At Home

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Special dedication to @Chathubb02


The same Night...

Win lying on the bed and Team sleeping Beside him calmly with resting his head on his chest....Win looked at Team's face with extreme Pity face....The complete past of Team made his heart hurt like hell..Suddenly Win's phone vibrated from the table...So he looked at the number and saw " David"... win shocked and looked down at Team and saw Team still sleeping he slowly tried to move his head from his chest...But Team clinched on to him more with holding win' s body tightly...

So Win lighty smiled then looked at the phone again then decided to ignore his call this time for his Team....Then he looked back at Team again , Then gave him soft kiss on his lips with a smile...So Team lightly smiled even at his middle of the sleep then started to sleeping again with clinching on Win's wide chest.....So Win smiled and slowly ruffled his back of hair then let him sleep like that position....After Team fell asleep again deeply, Win Somehow get up from him then took his phone , then walked to the balcony side..Then he quickly Dialed David' s Number to not make him angery more Eventhough Win wanna kill him already.....Then After two rings, David took the call....

" Where were you?"

Win : I'm sorry... I was in bathroom...

" okay...And, any happy news?"

Win : Um...I'm still trying....

" Still trying?? You two look like more close now...then still trying"

Win : Uh!? It's complicated...

" Yes it's complicated and I told you about this before....And you agreed to my contract...Right?"

Win : Yes yes...but I-

" Are you trying to cheat me ?"

Win : No absolutely Not...I'll do my best and I think I'm on my Right way..I'll deal it for sure.....

" Okay..Mind that Always.."

Win : Um..can I ask you something??

" Yes.."

Win : Do You have another name??

" Why you wanna know?"

Win : Just asking... once Team told me about a Name and he--

" Team?? Why you calling him with his name uh?? Call him sir ! You get me??"

Win : Huh? Yes told me once a name.....

" Everyone used to call me Eby once ..Is that the name you heard?"

Win : (( Exactly you Bas******!!!)))


Win : Uh? No...Um...Tay..

" Oh it's his Stupid brother' s Name..Not important one for you..And you don't have to dig up his past days and his family..Just do what I Said..Okay?.."

Win : Okay....

"So Move on like a Warrior... I can Catch the fish with or without a prey..So Don't be a prey for me"

Win Understood what he meant by that, But he didn't Said anything at all and controled his anger by folding his fist angerly.....

" Then Bye.."

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