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At the same night.....

Win sitting at a chair with in a deep thought..Dean and pruk cleaning the shop...

Dean: Excuse me young gentle man..

Win: Huh??

Dean: Do you know what meant by a partnership shop??

Win: what??

Dean: Partnership means not only in finacial involvement you should involve in shop cleaning too....

Win : where is your wifey???go and ask him tired..

pruk chukles and looked at Dean..

pruk: Where is pharm anyway??

Dean: If i call him now he will eat me alive...becuase now its mike's study time...Two boys will be fighting now with the book...i will be dead..

Pruk: oh......When will i get a wife  like that??

Dean: You need to more mature..

Pruk: matured now...

Dean: Really??

Pruk: Oh you have a doubt that??

Dean smiles and take some lolipop packet from pruk's pocket..

Dean: So what's this??

Pruk: Hey...give me that....its mine..

Dean: come and Get me ..come and get  me ....Come on Champ.....

Dean make his body as a kungu motion....

Dean: Come on....i will beat you ...

Win looked at them and threw a table cloth at Dean...

Dean: Ahhh..what??

Win: Stop it...What do you think about that guys??

Dean: Its superb..becuase you threw that table cloth from far and it hits me properly...

Win: Uh...thats not what i asking about that job...

Pruk: You are the one  promised that guy without further thinking...Only thinking about the money..right??

Win: Yeah...becuase i need two know my problems.. thats why i agreed that but...Now my mind changing...

Pruk and Dean walks to win and sat beside him...

Pruk: That job  called spy working...Very tough job...He offered you 20 lacks right...that means there is much risk factor  too...

Win: yeah thats what im thinking now...but i need cash pruk..You know i  need 25 lacks for next month..

Pruk: Yeah thats right too...

Dean: Can i say something ??


Dean: Go to the job  for somedays....
And, if you can't do that just quit it..okay??

Win: okay..Pruk lets go..its already 11...

Pruk: Okay...Dean bai...see you tomarrow...

Dean: Bai...

They walks to his bike and win prepare the bike to start..

Pruk: So Tomarrow onwards you won't be with me right??

Win: Not confirmed yet pruk..lets check the job first...And, Do not tell this to my mom and especially at Teddy..

pruk:okay okay...but  i wonder why is that guy doing this actually??

Win: I dont know too But its not our concern right??we do only our job and we will get back its value..

𝑩𝒆𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔.. Where stories live. Discover now