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The next day morning sera walks to win's room with a cup of coffee and put it down on the table then looked at win who sleeping calmly on the bed in fully covering head to toe with blanket...Sera smiled and jumped on his body...

Win.. get up...get up ...get up.. get up

Win: Ahhhh...Dont shout...move from my back...

Sera: Get up....

Win: Ahh...Teddy already have back pain...

Sera: Im helping you will reduce your pain..

Win: Ahh...its not a are making it worse..move...

Win pulled her hand to his right side and she fell down on the bed with a laughing...

Win: Yeah very funny....

Sera: i clean your shoes and iron your dresses too..

Win: Oh Really??

sera: Yes baby win..And, There is your bedcoffee..

Win looked at the table with a smirk and looked back to her face with a smile..

Sera: what??

Win: What do you want??

Sera: I dont want anything...

Win: Ohhh...Tell me my baby sister what do you want from me??

Sera: Can you give me 1500 Bucks??

Win: For what??

Sera: I ......have.....

Win: You have??

Sera: Tour....

Win immeadiately looked at her with a sharp look..Sera move a little from him with a scared face...

Sera: please win...

Win: Better Move from me or you will get hurt even at early morning......

Sera move again a little from him and get ready to run and looked at him with a pouting face..

Sera: Please Win..i already gave my name to teacher...i must go..

Win immeadiately get up from the bed and try to hold her hand but sera runs from him to kitchen....Win looked at her angerily and walks to bathroom...After shower he walks to Dining room..There he saw Sera sitting at the chair with pouting face..
Win sat on the chair and starting to eating the breakfast...Mom walks to there and gave a cup of tea to win and one cup milk to looked at them both then smiled...

Mom: Did you got the permission??

Sera: Dont ask...

Mom looked at win who eating his food with a serious face...

Mom: Win??

Win: You are the one who spoiling this Dumb....

Sera: What?? DUMB!!!How dare you to calling me like that??

Win: Then what?? How many times im told you Do not do anything without my permission....

Sera: i only gave my name win...
i didn't gone yet..

Win: Yeah yeah..if you do that i will cut out your hands and legs...

Sera: Mom look...

Mom: Its all your fault...hear it...

Sera: You are supporting him right?
i know you will always supporting him..

Mom: what?? im not sup...

𝑩𝒆𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔.. Where stories live. Discover now