Mom In law

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PreitySardar Here is your Update (⁠*⁠❛⁠‿⁠❛⁠)⁠→Thankyou for the patience Guys..And It's Near to End by the way!!


The Next Evening....

Everyone sitting at the beach side,.. sera playing with Mia and Team talking with Win's Mom.. Win and Pruk sitting far from them with talking about David...

Pruk : WHAT?? Y... You challenged that Fu**man?? Are you out of your Mind you fool!

Win : Then What should I say?? should I  beg for family to that As*hole! Uh??

Pruk : Ugh! Don't beg, I'm not asking to do that and I know even I Said that you won't do it....but you can act with him right? Like playing around with knowing everything...

Win : I don't have to do that with that Bas***d Guy... I never gonna do that again... I Just want to rid him from Team and my family , Completely... But before that Team should know what's happening in his life.. what happened in his life...

Pruk : Are you going to pick him there??

Win : Mm... He should know pruk.. He should see Everything with his eyes...

Pruk : Um..When you are gonna go??

Win : Tonight...

Pruk : Tonight??

Win : Yeah.. can you look after my family for two days??

Pruk : I will win  Don't bother about that.. but I'm asking , How can Team bare those news all at sudden??

Win : (( chuckled)) He faced more than this  all and  survived already..In Alone !!And, Now He have me... Do you think I will let him suffer alone?

Pruk smiled and tapped his shoulder then looked at Team and Win's Mom...

Pruk : When will you arrange your marriage??

Win : (( smiles))After yours...

Pruk : Uh?? Um... What about a joint marriage?

Win smiled and looked at his face when he heard that..

Win : Then how can I enjoy my best friends marriage uh?

Pruk : Ohh!!

Both smiled each other then started to talking about something else... Suddenly, Sera ran to them with complete wet body... So Win shocked and tried to got up.. but before that, Pruk got up and removed his shirt then started to wiping Sera's head frantically..

Pruk : What are you doing you Idiot? You already have cold!

Sera : Ughh?!! Slowly Pruk, It's hurts...

Pruk : What?? Call me phi!!

Sera :(( smiles)) No!!

Pruk : What?? You should call me phi right now...

Sera smiled and pushed him back then ran to far with yelling loudly.,


Pruk : You!!!!!

Pruk ran behind her for giving some punishment.. So win smiled and looked at them with a smile then understood his sister is safe and happy with Pruk.. so Win felt extreme happiness.. suddenly,

"Excuseme sir??!

Win : Mm?

Win looked at the side then saw Team looking at him with a smile... So win smiled and held his hand then make him sat beside him...

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