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Im Team warut....

win awkardly smiles at him who only looking at him with a serious face..

Win : im sorry sir...

Team stretched his hand to him..Win smiles and tried to hold his hand as to shake hand..

Team : What the??....Your file please....

Win shocked and gave him his file..Team starting to looking at his file...

Team: completed Engineering..

Win: Yes sir...

Team : Then why are you doing this job???

win: Financial problems..

Team: Okay...Your qualification is good but not are disqualified...

Team closed his file and gave to him shocked and take the file from him...

Win: but why sir??

Team: i want all my employees Be good and faithful which is not you are at all....

Win: i will do my level best..

Team: How can i trust you win.??
im not talking about what you are going to talking about what you were did...To me itself ...

Win: What?? i...i dont understand....

Team: Mister win , you'd stole my 1000 Rupees by saying a lie early..Dont you remember?? You said that your bike's side mirror broken because of my kid but it was already broken before that accident..Right???
i heared your conversation with your friend on phone..

Win shocked by hearing that and he get confused too..becuase he was too far from him then how did he knew it...

Win: mm...i really sorry can take that cash from my salary..

Team: salary?? you haven't got a job yet and you are talking about your salary?? WOW!!!

Win: Sir...i really need this job..

Team: i told you i want a trustful person not a fraud like you...

Win get angery by that word and he unknowingly said FUCK without sound....Suddenly Team slaped on the table strongly win startled by the sound..


Win looked at him with a serious face walks from there with cursing him in his mind....Team shook his head and opened his walks through the stair and stood infront Anne..

Ann: Hey..

Win: How could you manage this fucking Boss?

Ann: Oh my god...shut up...he will see us there are 1000s of cctv cameras here..

win: So what?? Im not An employee of this company yet so i can say anything...And even if iam , im not afraid of him too...Damn Arrogant personality...

Ann looked at his face with a smile...

Ann: You are so Hot...

Win shocked and looked at her face with a smirking...

win: What??

Ann: i mean be cool not be melting now...

Win smiles at her and about to say something her phone rings at sudden..Ann take it with a scared face..

Ann: yes sir..y..yeah....o..okay sir...

Ann cut the call and get up from the seat...

Win: What??

𝑩𝒆𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔.. Where stories live. Discover now