I'll Behind You

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AFTER 3 MONTHS, An early Morning..


A Taxi stopped infront of a Luxurious hotel and Team got down from the Taxi with a smile.

Then he quickly paid the taxi fair then straightly walked to Inside of the hotel with talking on his phone with Pruk

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Then he quickly paid the taxi fair then straightly walked to Inside of the hotel with talking on his phone with Pruk...

Team : WHAT!!?? You haven't finished that? What are you doing there this time then Pruk!?

" Excuseme!, I don't have 4 legs and Hands! "

Team : But you promised that you'll take care of that pending files with in 2 days!

" I didn't promised.. I said I'll try"

Team : Ugh! Don't you know the word "Responsibility ?" you know how much important that files to our company!?

" But Team, I have to look after our home, Our company at one time, then how can I manage that too?? "

Team : Okay FINE!! Let's talk about that when I'm back... You attended the video conference right!?

" Oh my god!! I didn't !! "

Team : WHAT!!!?

"Team I'm so sorry.. I forgot that"

Team : ugh!! How could you be so irresponsible Pruk? For the record, hiring an irresponsible Idiot like you as My company PA is the worst decision I've ever took!

" FINE!! Who needs your Job Mister Team!? I'll get many Jobs out there.. if you don't want Me, Then throw me from your company"

Team : That's what I'm going to--

" But you won't get a friendly, cutely, a Muscular and hotty gentleman like me"

Team : Ughh Fu*k You!!!

" Hahahaha "

Team quickly pressed the Lift door button then entered inside then pressed the close button then the floor button which wanna go....


Team : You know, I'm gonna kill you when I'm get There...

"Hahahaha!! Most welcome sir!"

Team : Ughhh!! Did you atleast do the arrangements what we listed last week? And Don't say you forgot that too...

" Heyy!! Don't underestimate me Mister.. I did that all"

Team : Fine!! Then see you tomorrow..

" See you today "

Team : Ugh?

Team quickly looked at his watch and it's almost 1.o clock...

Team : Oh Shit!! I need to pack... Okay bye Pruk... See you there...

𝑩𝒆𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔.. Where stories live. Discover now