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The same Night.,

Team and sera sitting in the hall with Mom..Team Massaging Sera's foot when she told him she has legs cramps and Sera eating the left over cake with happy face..Win's Mom tying Mia's hair before she going to bed and Little Mia playing with her favourite dolls.. And Three of them laughing hardly when Team talked about a Joke which happened in one of his conference...

Win' s Mom : Hahhaha!! really?? Then what did you do!?

Team : It wasn't My priority at all... So I Ignored and all of them got Pissed off !!

Win's Mom : Hahahahah!! Very good.. whatever or whoever sitting infront of us, We Just don't care and should say the right thing at the right Moment..It's not a problem even if we lose that Million value orders..You got me!?

Team : Yes Ma.. I know..

Win's Mom : Good..But, I'm not still forgave you for what you did on your hair!

Team : Hey Mom!!! I told you.. I Just wanna try it.. That's all.. But I swear , won't dye me hair again! Please na.. Give me one more chance.. I'll be your old obedient Team..

Win's Mom smiled secretly when she heard that..Suddenly Win and Pruk came there with a smile...

Win : Team have you seen my car key!?

Team : Ugh? Why you need that Now!??

Win : We are going for a walk..

Team : What!?? At this time!??

Win : Yeah What!?

Team and Sera looked at their husbands with a death glare when they heard that...

Team : It's already 10.15..

Win : It's okay...We will come back quickly..

Team : Ughh?! We are alone here Win!

Win : How can be three of you be ALONE here you stupid!!?

Team : Ugh!!

Win : Give me the car key Now !

Team : Check the place where you kept it..I don't know...

Win looked at Team with a serious face and Team gave him the same face..So Mia quickly got up and ran to the hall shelf then come back with Win's car key and Stretched it at Win with a smile.

Win : Heyyy There you are My baby Princess found it..(( Sign language)) Dad will come back quickly.. okay!?

Mia smiled and nod her head as Yes.. so win smiled and looked at Team again with a serious face and saw He looking at him back with a death glare...

Win : Ugh! Don't look at me like that!!Your eyes balls will come out!!

Team : Both of You Should sleep outside varanda if you two come late..we will sleep and never will Open the door for you two.. And If You dare to touch the calling bell, Then I'll kill you.. Both you you!!

Win : Okay.. Can we just... Knock then !??

Team : Ughh!!! Go away from here!!

Win : Hahahah!!!

Win and Pruk laughed and looked at Sera and Mom with a smile...

Win's Mom : Drive safe!

Win : Yeah Bye bye bye...

Then they quickly walked to outside.. so Team looked at Win's Mom with annoyed face...

Team : They Never will change.. especially Your Son!

𝑩𝒆𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔.. Where stories live. Discover now