Wild Award Night🔞🔞+

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The Next morning....

Win and Team get inside the luxury apartment...As soon as Team saw the bed, He Quickly liyed on it  even without removing his shoes....

Win : uh!!!! take a shower First you Stinky....

Team : I'm tired!!

Win : Ohhh....The flight took you or you took the flight...???

Team : Both are same right!!

Win : Read it again man!!

Team :  Uhh!!! I couldn't sleep well..That's why I'm tired!!

Win : Oh Really???

Win quickly liyed Beside him then looked at his face....

Win : I'm the one who couldn't shut My eyes a single second because of your wild snoring sound!!

Team : What?? I didn't!!

Win : Yes you are My sweet Bossie...

Team : Stop it!!

Team looked at his face then looked at the ceiling...

Team :  I missing my baby girl...

Win : (( Smiles)) Don't worry...Her Grandma will look after her...

Team : Grandma?? Oh yeah!!

Team smiled and looked at his face....So Win smiled and  pecked on his lips then get up from the bed...

Win : I' ll shower  First...Then you..

Team : Mm...mm.....

Win : Or wanna Join with me??

Team : Go Win!!!!

Win smiled and walks to the bathroom...Team smiled and slowly closed his eyes....Sometimes later Win sitting on the bed' s  edge with Team's laptop and  replying some mails...... Suddenly Team came out from the bathroom...Win looked at him then shocked when he saw Team wearing only a shirt and short...

Win : Wow!!!

Team smiled at him and slowly wiped his hair then walks to him and  quickly sat on his lap....So Win smiled and looked at his face which is in a sad mood...

Win : What??

Team : I'm nervous Win...

Win : for What?? About the award ceremony??

Team : Mm..mm...There will be many business legends....So I'm a little bit nervous about it...I'm a New comer right!

Win :(( Smiled)) Even though there are many legends on this Business industry, you won the capital....So be proud of it..Don't be afraid or Nervous! Okay??

Team : Really??

Win : (( Smiles)) Yeah...And, If you still Nervous, I have a solution for that...

Team :  Solution??

Win smiled and slowly unbuttoned  his first two  buttons then slipped his hands inside then starting to rubbing his nipple bud..So Team smiled and looked down then looked back to his face with a smirk...

Team : What are you doing??

Win : (( Smiles))  Trying to reducing your nervousness...

Team : (( Smirk)) Like this??

Win : Sex is not only for pleasuring two bodies..,It can help reduce stress, anxiety and increasing the  happiness....

Team smiled widely and looked at Win then Slowly pecked on his lips then looked at his face...

𝑩𝒆𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔.. Where stories live. Discover now