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The Next Day...

Team awake from the sleep and looked around..He couldn't open his eyes properly due to  the lack of sleep..But he somehow get up and sat on the bed then looked at the person who lying next to him without any dress garments except the blanket...Team looked at him angerily and  remembered what had he done to Team in last he felt more anger and frustration ..He slowly get up from the bed then walks to the bathroom with wearing the bedsheet..Aftersometimes Win awake from a phone call sound and slowly get up from the bed with exhausted face then took the call..

Win : Hello??

" Why so late???

Win shocked  and looked at the number and saw " BOSS"....He looked at the side and Understand he already left...

Win :(( oh my god!!))  Um..I'..I'm on the way....

" I know you are still on my bed..Get up  and come here before the meeting started  or you don't have to come here again'..

Win : I.......Okay...

Win cut the call then threw it on the bed then try to get up but he fell down on the  floor..

Win : Damn it!!

somehow he get up and runs to the bathroom...After sometimes he waiting for a taxi with extreme tention face...Suddenly he saw a car driving  on his side fastly..So he waved at the car as to ask a lift... by his luck it's stopped Infront of him...

Win : Thank God...

Win walks to the driver seat and saw a Lady sitting on the driver seat...

Win : Um.. Excuseme mam..May I have a lift ?? I'm already late....

Lady : Get in....

Win : Thankyou Mam...

Win smiles and rushly walks to the passenger seat then get inside and  looked at the Lady who looking at him with a smirk..

Win smiles and rushly walks to the passenger seat then get inside and  looked at the Lady who looking at him with a smirk

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Win looked at her the lady drive the car slowly...

Lady : So.....

Win : Yes??

Lady : Are you working??

Win : Yes.....In Mia Pvt limited....

Lady : Oh...That's Great...So why are you late??

Win : Um...I....I over slept actually...

Lady : ( chukled) very good answer... I think you are a good and responsible employee for your Boss...

Win : But I will do my level best..I Will do my works on time neat and perfectly....

Lady : Oh..Then it's not a problem...And I heard about that Company and the Boss..How Is he?? And how is the company...??

𝑩𝒆𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔.. Where stories live. Discover now