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Next Day morning...

Sera walks to kitchen with extreme sad face and saw her momma giving food to Mia with a smile... Suddenly Both looked at the door and saw Sera looking at them with a pouting face....Mia Immediatley smiled at her widely then called her with her small Fingers..so sera smiled and walks to her then tried to take the food dish from Mom' s hand but Mom declined it and starting to giving again ...

Sera : I'm sorry Mom...

Mom : Why are you saying sorry to me?? Say that your brother...he didn't slept at all lastnight...he is walking around the yard all the night.. Because of you.. Because your filthy tongue..

Sera Immediately looked down with sad face...suddenly Mia hold her hand then smiled at her...

Sera : Mm..mm??

Mia Immediatley and said something to her with sign language but both of them didn't understand what she is saying...So Mia Immediatley get down from the Chair then walks to the hall then came back with her Tab and starting to writing something on it then gave it her....Sera took it and starting to reading loudly..

Sera : Uncle win loves you....

Sera looked at her face then immediately smiled...

Sera : Is it??

Mia Nodded as yes frantically with a smile...So Mom smiles and ruffled Mia' s hair softly then looked at Sera.......

Mom : Look, Even this baby knows your brother very well...So go and say sorry to him.....

Sera looked at her face then slowly nodded as yes then put down the Tab on the table then walks to Win' s room and stood at the door side..Then she saw win wearing his shirt with looking at the mirror...

Win : Tell your mom that, I want a Tea..

Sera looked at him who still wearing the shirt without turning around at her So she immediately runs to him and hugged him from behind...Win starteld by her sudden Action then smiled lightly....

Win : What??

Sera : I'm sorry Win....I'm really sorry...

Win : It's okay....Move now, I have to go...

Sera : No ! you are still angery at me...

Win : No Sera...I'm okay..

Sera : WHAT?? Sera??

Sera shocked and Immediately turn around him with a little bit harshly...

Win : Aww....what the ??

Sera : You called me sera??

Win : That's your name right??

Sera : But You used to call me Teddy...

Win : It's not fit on you now...you are a grown up girl...So I should call you with your Name...Thats su-

Before he completes sera jumbed on to his body with holding his nape tightly...Win shocked and Immediately leaned on the wall as to support..

Win : What are you doing??!!!

Sera : Iam still your Teddy, Always will be your Teddy bear...Call me like that win..please.....( Crying) please I'm sorry..

Win Immediatley smiled when he heard that from his little baby sister..so he immediately pinched on his back...

Sera : Ahhhh...WIN!!

Sera Immediately looked at his face with teary eyes...So win smiles and Kissed on her forehead..

𝑩𝒆𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔.. Where stories live. Discover now