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The Next Day....

Win slowly  opened his eyes and looked down... He's   lying on Team's body with still Inside him and Team sleeping calmly under him too....

Win : f***!!!

Win slowly pulled out  his exhausted hard memeber from Team's hole...So Suddenly Team whimpered a little by the sudden pain then started to sleeping again...win looked at his face then Slowly sat beside him then looked around the whole room then shocked...The whole room was  like a huge tornedo went and gone with in a single night.....

Win : What the hell was happened here??

Win blinked twice and looked at Team who still sleeping without aware anything....

Win : Team! Team get up!!!

Team : Mm..mm..???

Team slowly opened his exhausted eyes and looked at Win..

Team : What??

Win : What happened to us Lastday??

Team : Uh??I don't remember..Let me sleep win...My head gonna explode soon....

Team again lyed on the pillow  without saying anything else then started to sleeping again...

Win : Uhh!! Team Enough..Get up!!

Team : Uh! what do you want win??
I'm so tired!! Don't disturb...!

Win : look at this entire room..We broke this completely!

Team : Then call for service you fool!!let me sleep now...

Win : WHAT?? Aren't you ashamed to invite someone else to clean our bedroom??

Team : Uhh!! That's their Job Win...Let me sleep...

Win : What are you talking about?? Get up you Idiot!!

Team : Uhhh!!!

Team somehow got up from his perfect position then  sat on the bed with extreme tired face with  pulling up the blanket to his naked chest and looked around the whole messy room like a Zombie.....His eyes still not clear  by the lastnight Hangover...So he rubbed his both eyes..

Team : Damn!! What Have you done to me  Win??Im dead!

Win : Me?? Don't  you remember anything??

Team shook his head as No then rubbed his eyes again as to clear his vision properly..

Team : Did we drunk lastnight??

Win : Yeah...And you danced??

Team Stopped rubbing his eyes at sudden and shocked when he heard that..

Team : WHAT??

Win : You danced at the pub.....

Team : God!! I don't know the ABCD of dancing...

Win : (( Chukled)) That's the point!! You Don't know the  ABCD about a  dancing  but you danced like .., you took the  PhD in it....

Team : What?? God!!! Then Everyone must have seen it Right??

Win : Ofcourse!!

Team : F***!!! What happened to me Lastday??

Win : I think we drunk something else?

Team : Like What??

Win : Like any kind of drugs Maybe....

Team : Really??

Win : Maybe...Im not sure...

Team : My God!! That's what they were serving to the costomers???

Win : I think that's our fault!! We took it accidentally..And we ended up here like this.....Now look , My entire body weaken....

𝑩𝒆𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔.. Where stories live. Discover now