personal Driver

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Team: Next time told your friend that Do not wear Lipstick....

Win: Huh??

Team: Wipe her Lipstick which is on your neck's totally disgusting.....

Win swollowed his saliva by hearing that..He immediately looked at the front mirror as for check ..there it is Her Dark red lipstick on his neck which is he missed to wipe...

Win:( Damn!!)

win awakwardly smiles at him....Team smirks and gave him the wipe Immeadiatley take out some wipes and wiped it frantically....

Win: It''s...Nothing....It's...uh..

Team: Lipstick marks...

Win: Um...Yeah....

Team: you are used to lying right??

Win: Huh?? No...

Team looked at him again with smirk....

Win: Um...Kinda, if I need to say that...

Team: What do you mean by Need??

Win: How can I explain that?? Uh......
Okay listen..I'm not afraid of the dark and I will walk alone even if there is no a light at all.....I'm a strong person......

Team immediately stopped his car and looked at his face with a serious face then unlock Win' s door...Win looked at the lock and chukled then looked back to Team...

Team: Get out...

Win: See....if I wasn't lyed at you early you will abandoned me at the right moment right?? That's what I called NEED!!!Now you want me to walk alone right??No probs!!

Team looked at him with a very serious look...

Win: Fine!!!Thankyou for the 2 minutes drive sir...

Win unbukled his seat belt and try to opened the door as to Get down but before that Team Drive the car shocked and leaned in his seat with a panick face..

Win: Oh my God...What was that???

Win looked at Team who driving fastly....Win shocked and try to wear the seat belt but he can't wear it by the speed....It's out of limit already...

Win:Oh my God....what are you doing sir? Drive slowly...You have your kid in the car and you are knowingly making a car accident??

But didn't listen to him and drive the car more than again...Win hold on the door holder then looked back at Mia but she smiled at him teasingly...So he understands that She used to it already.....Suddenly Team stopped the car without warning... by the sudden stop win' s head hitted on the front part..

Win: Owwww.....Oh my God....

Win looked at Team angerily who unbuckling his own seatbelt...

Win: What?? I'm still alive..

Team: shut up....wait here.....

Win:No sir...i will walk..Thanks for the hospitality....

Team: I said stay here....

Win: Mm..mmm??

Win looked at the road and saw two guys lying down the road with their bike and it's all Look like an accident... But win felt some weirdness by their appearence..Team try to opened the door but win hold his hand...

Team: What??

Win: Are you going help them??

Team: Yes....

𝑩𝒆𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔.. Where stories live. Discover now