The Accident

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Asuaual Flashback with Author's Pov and Sorry for the long wait... (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)


After that Day , Team and Eby got more close Again like old times and they were be like a New born Married couples.... Eby tried his best to say everything happened the past years.... but when he saw Team's happiness,He decided to hide it for sometime and give him happiness as Much as he can....So He give both innocent ones the Extreme happiness for the whole one week...He picked Mia and Team to every places where they wanted go in the Morning and those times were filled with their Joy and travels.... And The nights were be hot and Romantic for Team and Eby and they made their bedroom into a something more meaningful in every Nights, In every single seconds. N

So After one week an Evening, Eby sitting on the bed with wearing his shoes.. Suddenly Team came inside the room then looked at Eby With a smile...So Eby smiled at him then Nod his head as Come inside.. so Team slowly walked to him and sat on his lap with holding his nape with his both hands ...So Eby smiled and put his hand around Team's waist with pulling him more closer...

Eby : (( Smiles)) Mm?

Team : Where are you going??

Eby : Um ... I wanna see someone..

Team : Someone who??

Eby : A person...

Team : (( Sighs)) A person haven't any Name Eby??

Eby : A Person... That's all you should know Now...I will tell you later...Okay?

Team looked at his face with a sad smile then slowly nod his head .Eby smiled and slowly kissed on his lips..But immediately Team made a whimper Eby looked at his face with a confused face and saw Team smiling at him innocently..

Eby : What happened?

Team : feeling A light pain...

Eby looked at him confusingly then slowly looked at his lips but it was Just perfect for his he slowly held the lower lip then slowly pulled a little down then shocked....He saw Team's inner skin of the lower lip slightly wounded.

Eby : Oh My God! What's this?? When did this Happened?? Lastnight?!

Team smiled and quickly shook his head as No...

Eby : Then?

Team : Did you forgot about this Morning??Didn't you bite me when we were taking a shower ?

Eby : Oh My God !! I thought it was a slight one!!

Team : (( Smiles)) It wasn't!!

Eby : Oww!!! I'm sorry....

Eby quickly pulled Team into a tight hug and patted on his back.. so Team smiled and leaned on his chest....

Team : You will come back for sure.. right??

Eby : Why? You Don't needs me anymore?

Team : WHAT??

Team shocked and looked at him with extreme sad face...

Team : Why you asking me like that ?? If i don't wanna you then I wouldn't behave like this way right !?
I needs you baby.. I wanna live with you....

𝑩𝒆𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔.. Where stories live. Discover now