The Confession

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{ sorry for the delay....And  dedicated chapter for (☞ ಠ_ಠ)☞ Chathubb02 Bounprem_143, Campus01


The Next Day Morning.....

Win sleeping on the bed, and asuaual he tried to hug his baby Boss....but he didn't got any one to hug....So win opened his eyes and looked at the side then saw Team alreday awake and Gone...So he checked the time and saw 6.30...

Win : Ohh..So Early?

Win sighed and Quickly got up from the bed then walked to the bathroom..After take shower, He slowly walked to the kitchen then saw His beautiful chubby doing  Breakfast...So Win smiled and slowly walked to him then hugged him from behind with giving a soft kiss on Team's favourite place ,neck...So Team starteld  be still at that place....

Win : (( Chuckled)) Morning...

Team : Mm....

Win : Why you  awake early if you don't feel good?

Team : I'm okay Now..

Win : No you are not....You are smelling different....

Team : I took shower..

Win : (( chuckled)) I'm not meant that....It's Just a figure of speech....Your smell is good even you are not took bath...Kinda soooo Addictive...

Win smirked and again kissed on his neck with slipping his hand inside Team's shirt....So Team Quickly held his Win's hand to stop him  go further..

Team : Win No!!! Move...I have works to do...

Win sighs and make him turned around with a frustrated face then caged him inside his hands...So Team looked at his face then looked down with a sad face....

Win : Team This is enough...Stop being like this okay...I don't know what just happened between us...but.,  I don't feel it's good and I don't want that...You hear me...??

Team looked at his face Without saying anything.....

Win : DO YOU HEAR ME??!!

Team : Mm...

Win : Talk to me if you wanna say something.....

Team : It's......

Team looked at win who looking at him with Extreme curious face...So Team Quickly cupped his face then gave him a strong kiss on his forehead and get back..

Team : I'm okay...Don't worry..I'll be fine...

Win : You sure...?

Team : Mm....

Win smiled and touched his cheeks then slowly rubbed his  soft and plum cheek,  then his lower lips softly with his thumb..

Win : (( Smiles))  You need some help ,
to reduce your tension??

Team Immediatley shook his head as No then looked at his face with a light smile.....

Team : Um....Can you take care of our  company for one-day...

Win : You are not coming?

Team : I'm not feeling well....And Uncle Fred is on a tour can you??

Win :(( Smiles)) Don't worry...leave it to me...I'll take care of it....

Team :(( Smiles)) Thanks....Now go get Ready....Don't be late...

𝑩𝒆𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔.. Where stories live. Discover now