The worst Dream

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You know A reader of this book, told me that this story is completely a mess and stupid like a slam book... can Anyone clarify what is a slam book for me pls.. I don't wanna mention the name here.. but i don't know why she saying that or How can she think like that too...I never felt this story is bad or Messed up..I really worked harder on this one till yet and I'm always trying my best to avoid that confusion to all of you right? But Still I'm getting bad comments...Now you guys say... Is this story doens't make any sense ????

Say your opinion " Genuinely" !!
I won't feel sad...

Okay Just leave it..You can read it now!! Maybe she was right in her point of view.. Everyone won't think same right!...So Here we go.. 👉



Justine shocked when he saw Dane who sitting infront of him with an Evil smirk and his heart started to beating fastly.. Suddenly Dane Smirked and slowly got up from the chair then stood on the floor..

Dane : Hey! How are you Justine? Whatsapp!!?

Justine looked at him with still shocked face and his entire body started to shivering like hell.. Justine' s Dad smiled at Dane without knowing anything..

Dad : Are you two College mates?

Dane : Ugh? yeah.. I was His senior.. but we were really close..right Justine?

Dane again looked at Justine and Justine stayed there without saying anything...

Dad : Oh I see.. But Justy never told your name before.. that's why I wonder!

Dane : Ohh ! He maybe forgot my name.. But I shouldn't.. Right? He is very important to me...

Dad : (( Smiles)) Um, Tea or coffee kid?

Dane : Anything's fine Uncle..

Dad : Okay..

Justine' s Dad smiled and slowly walked to the kitchen... So as soon as he left, Dane looked at Justine with a death glare then slowly walked to him then stood infront of him with his evil face..

Dane : Why you staying silent? Look like you you don't know me at All!

Justine looked at him with extreme scared face and his body gone numb instantly when he saw Dane's face become angery even more...

Dane : I always felt like someone is following me.. but i never imagined it was you... So smart uh!?

Justine : What do you want?

Dane : (( Chuckled)) You don't know? Okay Let's go outside now.. or else your Beautiful home walls gonna curse me when i started to say what i want !!

Justine looked at him angerily and Dane Chuckled even more when he saw that.. then slowly Dane walked to outside... So Justine looked at the kitchen side with a sad face then slowly walked to outside.. suddenly he felt something touching on his head.. so he slowly turned around at the side then shocked when he saw Dane pointing a gun on the right middle of his forehead.. Eventhough the Position made Justine scared, But he didn't let his anger go from his face...

𝑩𝒆𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔.. Where stories live. Discover now