Birthday party

563 51 15

Guys.., After reading many of your comments of my last update , I noticed something.. so I Just wanna clear it before I start this Chapter..

In Last update, I Showed that Win and Team are fighting... Actually it wasn't a fight.. it's a fun fighting.. Mostly couples will do that.. I witnessed Myself like this fight between My Dad and Mom..They used to do like this and Dad always tease my Mom even infront of us (( I mean me and my sisters)) and he liked to watch her cute angery talk against Him.. But We know that he loves her and she loves him alot...Unfortunately He's no more with us now but I'm really happy to bring this scene to My stories... Like a reminder of him...So yeah that it!!.....
Okay I'm a little bit emotional here.. Doesn't matter...

So This is it.. Hope you are all Understand this Now... So here we go


Win Shocked and got up from the chair with a tensed face...

Win : Y.. Yes sir..?

"Are you the one who complained a Man missing case? About One Mister Dane John? "

Win : Yes Sir.. Um.., Got any any Information?

" We have found his car under mysterious circumstances "

Win : Oh! Um.. wh.. From where!?

"That was the problem.. it was such a desolate place with no habitation.. It is still a mystery that why that Man drove his car that far.. "

Win : Oh! Okay.. Um did you found his-- body Anything like that!?

"Not yet.. The whole place was searched but nothing was found.. He must have left the car there and hiding anywhere else.. Are you sure you haven't received a single sign from him even after four months? Atleast even a call!?"

Win : No sir.. we haven't.. I'm also searching for him.. But still have no idea..

"okay!Anyway, I want to say that you all should be careful.. Especially your husband and your child... Okay!?"

Win : Okay Sir... We Will..


Win : Okay Sir and Thankyou for the information.. And Um.., Where did you say you got that car from?

" The Spooky Green valley.. Near the bridge road"

Win : Okay Sir.. Thankyou...

Then Win cut the call with extreme tensed face then slowly looked at outside with a worried face... Suddenly he heard everyone's laughing sound from the kitchen... So he sighed and slowly walked to the kitchen then saw Team and Sera laughing hardly and Pruk sitting on the chair with face covered with dough stain...

Win : Ugh!! What's going on Here ??

Team : Ugh? hahahaha!! Look at the snow man win!!! Look how cute he is!!

Pruk : Blo*dy Hell!! Who is your snow Man!? I was trying to help you two and This what happened!

Team and sera started to laughing hardly and Win looked at Team and felt some relief when he saw his baby husband's smiling and happy face.. So He didn't wanna say anything about the call and all to not ruin their happy Moment..So He smiled and tried to walk to outside.. but before that , Team tapped on his shoulder..

Win : Ugh?

Team : Where you think you are going Mister Win ? Come and Help us..

Win : What!? Me!?

𝑩𝒆𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔.. Where stories live. Discover now