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Team: Did you washed your hands??

Win: uh??

Team: Did you wash your hands after
Knot my shoe lace??

Win widen his eyes by hearing that but act with putting " what are you saying" face..Team immediately turn around the Monitor to him with a serious shocked by seeing that...

Win: ( Damn ) !!!!

Team: Did you??

Win looked at his own hands then smiles awakwardly...

Win: It's uh......I'm sorry sir....

Team: Whats the problem with you man??

Win: I'm really sorry for that sir...

Team: Do not spoil that words meaning...

Win: I'm so......Forgive me sir..

Team looked at his face then shook his head and take a some files then put it down on the table...

Win: With in one hour??

Team looked at his face with a serious look...

Team: Take it and leave..

Win : okay sir....

Win take the files and walk fastly from there....

Win: Thank God....

Win walks to his cabin with a relief because he didn't got any punishment..
He sat on the chair..suddenly he got a phone call....He looked at the number then smiles and attend the call..

Win : Anne...

Anne: Hey...Mr Boss shouted at me just now...

Win: He saw everything..

Anne: Oh my God...Did you got any punishment??

Win: No...I think he is in a good mood...

Anne: Oh...yeah I forgot..Today his baby's birthday....

Win: Oh...That's why he bahaving like this?? Wow!! I should remember this date...

Anne:( laughing) What about the movie??

Win: See you at evening...I will make you scream...

Anne: WHAT?? What do you mean??

Win: I mean....Nothing...see ya...

Anne smiles and cut the call...Win put down the phone then chukles...

Win: Girls!!! They knew everything clearly but act like nothing understand at all....

Win shook his head and starting to doing his works...After lunch He walks back to his cabin with Philix and Rohan...

Win: Did you saw Our Boss' s wife??

Rohan: Huh?? Where ?? I want to see her..

Win: for what??

Rohan: To give an Oscar for living with this serious guy...

Win:( chukles) I mean Did you see her before??

Rohan: No...

Philix: Not Really.. since we were here He has this baby without anyone...

Win: oh....

Suddenly win saw that Mia playing on the garden...

Win: You two Go...i will be back..

Rohan: okay...

Win walks to the place with a smile...when Mia saw him she gave a wide smile....

𝑩𝒆𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔.. Where stories live. Discover now