The Kidnap

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The Next-day, Early Morning,

Team awake from his sleep when he got a soft tap on his cheek.. so he opened his eyes then looked at the side then saw He still sitting infront of the ICU room, Win sitting next to him and He was sleeping on his shoulder till this time.. so Team shocked sat straightly on the chair with blinking his eyes fastly...

Win : Doctor calling Me.. You stay here okay? Don't sleep again.. You will fall.. Mm?

Team quickly nod his head as Yes without looking at him.. so Win looked at him sadly then quickly walked to the Doctor's room.. So Team rubbed his eyes then took his phone and checked the time.. it's 6.o'clock already and he missed his flight...So He sighed and  slowly got up from the chair then looked at Inside the ICU room and saw Win's Mom Sleeping calmly.. so Team got a relief then slowly walked to the balcony side then looked at outside...

Suddenly, Win stood beside him and stretched at him  a cup of coffee

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Suddenly, Win stood beside him and stretched at him  a cup of coffee.. So he looked down at his hand  then looked at his face...

Win : Here.. You didn't ate anything from lastnight right?

Team looked at him then slowly took the paper glass then looked at outside again with drinking it... So Win looked at him then slowly started to drinking his own coffee and both didn't talked anything at all for a moment... Suddenly,

Team : What Doctor Said?

Win : She is fine now..But need complete rest for atleast 6 Months... We can go back to home Tommorow I think..

Team : Ok..

Then Team quickly took his phone and slowly walked to a little far from Win and win saw Team talking to someone with his phone.. but it wasn't audible for him... So Win looked at him confusingly then started to drinking his coffee again... After some minutes, Team walked back to Win again....

Team : I Paid the hospital You don't have to be wordied for that.. And I arranged a Home nurse for your Mom...She is professional.. So Don't worry about your Mom's health... She will take care of her... Okay?

Win looked at his face then slowly nod his head as Yes with a serious face.. Suddenly, Team's phone again rang.. so Team looked at the number then quickly answered it..

Team : Hello Jennifer! Yeah it's me.. Um..could you do me favor please..?? Um.. I missed my flight lastnight because of some personal reason.. so could you please arrange me another two tickets to Bangkok? Not Today...Um., For Monday...Yeah Anything's fine.. okay check and call me back okay? Yeah bye!

Team cut the call then looked back at Win who looking at him with extreme sad face..

Win : You still not changing your decision right?

Team : I didn't wanna live with a  Liar and I don't trust you anymore Win..

Win looked at him with  extreme sad face  and quickly walked from there.. so as soon win gone, Team looked at the side with extreme sad face and slowly his eyes started teary again.. but he wiped all of it and stayed normal then slowly put the coffee glass in the dustbin...... Suddenly,

𝑩𝒆𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔.. Where stories live. Discover now