Mystery Guests?

615 5 2

Ok after I saw the comment in the photo above I thought...

Does anyone wanna have fun with the legends and myths?

Ok look: I can't reply to comments, and I'm hoping that they see this, so, uh- yes
But anyways, all I'm saying is to include you in a chapter. Maybe this was a big fail and I might drop this as a whole but idk??

I mean, I don't wanna make it so only a couple do it so if you do then just comment and tell me who your favs are so I can make you interact with them cause I'm nice ;))

I guess this will also be the request of me staying with the legends for 24 hrs but I did write a separate chapter about that so idk??

But anyways like I said just uh,, comment and see what will ✨ h a pp e n ✨

Also 3.4k reads holy shit thank you

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