{REQUEST} vacation location

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*cough* anyways. arceus needs a holiday location!


Arceus: you know what? having a game based off of you is hard
Dialga: no, it's really not
Giratina: you're just saying that since you got remakes
Palkia: ahahahahahahah giratina didn't get a remake
Giratina: well fuck you and your none existent sanity, i'm probably in bdsp
Arceus: giratina, go back to the basement. palkia, go back to crying
Palkia: *sniff* ok then

Arceus: anyways, as i was saying, having a game based off of you is hard
Dialga: as i was saying, no it's really not
Arceus: did i hear something?
Arceus: anyways, i need a vacation
Dialga: it didn't go well last time we had a vacation
Arceus: I need a vacation, not WE, you dumbass
Dialga: still didn't go well last time
Arceus: well fuck you im gonna take me and my donuts to..
*awkward silence*
Arceus: ...i don't actually know where to go

*and so*

Arceus: everyone this is a very important meeting
Shaymin Sky: i checked his donut draw on the way here, his donuts arent missing
Arceus: anyone who touches my donut draw is seise to exist *thanos snaps shaymin*
Darkrai: AYO WHAT
Arceus: she's fine, she's just a salad inside of a watermelon

Arceus: anyways, i need a location for MY vacation
Heatran: but it didn't go well last time we had a vac-
Arceus: let me repeat: my vacation. MY VACATION.


Heatran: so we're not going?
Arceus: you're not going.

Darkrai: why tf are we sat around this table then
Cresselia: and giratina's not?
Arceus: have you read the sign, cresselia?
Cresselia: ...what sign?
Arceus: uh, that sign

*arceus creates a sign that reads 'if giratina not here, he in basement*

Uxie: i thought you knew grammar smh
Arceus: i thought you were a poison/fighting type
Uxie: actually we became flying/water
Azelf: then bug/steel
Arceus: ...wait i'm the only one who can change type
Dialga: what about silval-
Arceus: *duct tapes dialga's mouth with the magic of being god* i am definitely the only one who can change type

Regigigas: i ain't staying here if all we're gonna do is talk about type changes
Arceus: fine then i need a holiday location
Darkrai: the depths of hell
Arceus: i've been there before, several times, to beat giratina's ass
Palkia: and to tell him to stop playing minecraft and spending your money on the market
Arceus: well yes

*dialga motioning at palkia to take the duct tape off his mouth*

Cresselia: paris?
Arceus: where that weird fork skyscraper is? nah thanks
Heatran: wait this is the pokémon world. paris does not exist
Arceus: *shows portal that leads to our world* observe.

*so arceus goes to see the kanto and johto legends and myths for ideas*

Mewtwo: spoon factory
S.Mewtwo: he said the vacation was for him, not you, dumbass
Mewtwo: he can go to the spoon factory so i can.. use my psychic powers to smack him with spoon or smthing
Arceus: i'm not deoxys
Mewtwo: true
*mewtwo picks up the phone*
Mewtwo: hey deoxys would you mind going to a spoon factory for absolutely no reason at all-

Ho-Oh: maybe he wants to travel to a planet that isn't earth. idk somewhere hot
Entei: VENUS
Lugia: you are NOT erupting all the volcanos there i swear to fuck
Ho-Oh: does venus have volcanoes?
Arceus: venus is too hot tbh
Lugia: the SUN, maybe???
Arceus: when i say 'too hot' it doesn't mean 'recommend me to stay on a fucking star'
Lugia: you asked for a vacation place
Arceus: stars of any kind or too hot
Mewtwo: why'd you make them then?
Arceus: not for vacation, that's for sure

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