Incorrect Quotes 3

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hehehe looks like the fun has started, hmm?

Also no the image above has nothing to do with what's going on, I just found it online and thought it looked beautiful so decided to add it


Zygarde: Yveltal isn't answering his phone
Xerneas: I'll call.
Zygarde: he's probably not gonna pick up, I've called him 5 times alrea-
Yveltal, over the phone: hello?


Necrozma: what's Lunala to you?
Solgaleo: the reason I wake up every morning.
Necrozma: ...that's adorable-
Lunala, earlier that morning, barging into Solgaleo's room: *bashing pans together* WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP


Deoxys: name a more iconic duo then my fear of being alone forever and my instinct to run away. I'll wait.
Rayquaza: us
Deoxys, choking up: ....ok


Arceus to Sinnoh Legendaries/Mythicals: of all the places, we forbid you from going in one place- between Darkrai and Cresselia.
Manaphy; why, sir?
Arceus; we tried once.
Heatran: and what happened?
Giratina, covered in bandages: tragedy.


Kyogre: I sleep with a knife under my pillow
Groudon; weak, I sleep with a gun
Rayquaza: you're both pathetic.
Kyogre: why, what do sleep with?
Rayquaza: deoxys


Yveltal: describe yourself in one word
Xerneas: yours
Yveltal: disgusting
Yveltal: ....say it again


Reshiram: *holding Zekrom's face between her hands and squeezing*
Zekrom: can you not squeeze my face
Reshiram: nope
Zekrom; why
Reshiram: At first it was because I wanted to see how ridiculous you would look like this but instead you still manage to look adorable and now I want to keep holding you because your skin feels nice
Zekrom: ...
Zekrom: These are the moments where half of me is asking why I fell for you and the other half is wondering how could I have lived without you for so long


Cresselia: you're awfully quiet, were you getting annoyed by me complaining about what Giratina did? I can stop if you'd like
Darkrai: hmm? oh no, I was just plotting his murder, that's all. continue.


Lunala: If a man is upset, hold him and tell him how beautiful he is. If he starts to growl, retreat to a safe distance and throw chocolate at him.
Magearna: and you learnt this how..?
Lunala: Neither Solgaleo nor Dusk Main Necrozma are much for cuddling, but both like chocolate.


Ho-Oh: I just wanna hear those three little words.
Lugia; I love you?
Ho-Oh: incorrect, try again
Lugia: ..I will behave
Ho-Oh: thank you


Palkia: me and Dialga have a very healthy relationship.
Giratina: how come?
Palkia; I'm nice to him and he doesn't kill me


Ho-Oh: *kisses Lugia on the cheek*
Lugia: what the fuck was that?
Ho-Oh: affection
Lugia: disgusting
Lugia: do it again


Zekrom; love is dead
Kyurem: you're literally making a Valentine's Card for Reshiram
Zekrom, pointing a glue gun at him: you're on thin fucking ice


Dialga: Palkia, I need a favour.
Palkia: I'm not giving you another lap dance
Giratina; lap dance?
Arceus: ANOTHER!?


That's the end, tried to include each ship at least twice hhh

AnywAys hope you enjoyED- and uh yeaH time to die cause the fire alarm went off at lunch and I got nothing to eat so I'm starving mk byE-

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