The Crown Tundra in a nutshell (part2)

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sorry for not uploading recently mock exams started haha-
revision sucks but i guess it's necessary

also why is necessary so hard to spell

anyways, part 2 is finally here and this will definitely need a part 3, maybe 4


*peony finishes his dancing and making the reigns of unity*

Peony: welp here it is *plops it into victor's hands*
Victor: oh wow you somehow managed to make it correctly
Mayor: *sniff* this reminds me of my ancestors
Peony: *ignores him* i mean, i did hand-sew your clothes along with my rebellious daughter's
Victor; hasn't she caught like 10 legendaries?
Peony: idfk what she's doing, but probably

*victor leaves but peony follows him*

Victor: i don't think you should follow me out, i mean, there's a weird humanoid dear with a big noggin that's going around possessing people
Peony: ahahahah dont be stupid, i've lived here long enough to know that shit isn't re-
*peony becomes possessed and starts levitating*
Victor: sure okay bud whatever you say

*calyrex floats down like he's god*

Calyrex: human child did ya get my reins of unity
Victor: yes, and the possessed dude made it
Calyrex: don't be stupid, he's posse'ed and can't do shit
Victor: i mean- tch whatever
*victor shows calyrex the reigns of unity*
Calyrex: i have tracked down mah hoss, he went up to crown shrine
Victor: where's that
Calyrex: a place where we used to 'ang out
Victor; yes but where is it
Calyrex: oh, it's uh- on the mountain
Victor: but there's lots of mountains

Calyrex: anyways, imma head up there without teleporting you up
Victor: wait what
Calyrex: lol bye

Calyrex: anyways, imma head up there without teleporting you upVictor: wait whatCalyrex: lol bye

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(yes i drew that)

*victor begins to make his way down, however*

Victor: why is there soil here
Sonia: oh my god! a footprint
Victor; where tf did you come from
Victor: and why aren't you wearing winter clothing
Sonia: okay it is kinda cold but
Sonia: that's a footprint of the swords of justice!
Victor: all three of them on one spot??
Sonia: dont you mean four?
Victor: keldeo is a mythical tho

*cough* foreshadowing *cough*

Sonia: well you don't know what's gonna happen when- *cough* i mean, yes
Victor: oh
Sonia: anyways i'm gonna go warm myself up, have fun looking for footprints to make my theory correct or smthing
Victor: i- okay

*she leaves and victor carries on his long journey, eventually reaching the top*

Victor: why has my free will to change my camera angle gone away
Calyrex: 'cause this is a dramatic scene so shut up

Calyrex: *cough* i mean, i have been expecting you human child
Victor: you sound like you're about to murder me
Calyrex: maybe so, now gimme the reins of unity or else i'll make this possessed dude slap you
*victor gives it to him*
Calyrex: mmmm i remember the feeling of holding this
Victor: someone is bound to send that to their friend with no context

Calyrex: aight now i want you to place the carrot into the basket and lead mah hoss here
Victor: your accent suddenly picked up, but okay
Victor; also will i have my free will to change my camera angle again
Calyrex: after the cutscene smh

*and so victor places the carrot into the basket, as glastrier comes up and they hide behind the rock*

Victor: are ya gonna whip it or smthing?
Calyrex: child this ain't some weird fetish from deviantart or something
*glastrier eats the carrot*
Victor: wait what

*calyrex yeets himself onto glastrier as the two dance around, and peony wakes up*

Peony: how strange i just had a dream where some dude with a big noggin came and possessed m- WHAT THE FUCK

*suddenly calyrex's noggin starts glowing*

Victor: that's.. not normal
Victor: that's a long story i'd rather not talk about

*calyrex managed to "fuse" with glastrier and victor and peony confront them*

Peony: what in the big noggin is going on here
Victor: if i took a shot every time you said "big noggin" i'd be dead
Peony: you're underage don't do that shit
Calyrex: have you done with your life advice? can i possess you again?
Peony: you wh-
*peony gets possessed*
Victor: welp okay then

Calyrex: anyways, now is the part where you catch me
Victor: YES
Calyrex: but i have a catch rate of 3

*many painful hours and thousands of ultra balls later, victor finally catches him*

Victor; sheeesh that's like catching a beldum in gen 3
Victor: oh wait a minute
Calyrex: human child- i mean, victor
Calyrex; i finally have my hoss and no stupid monke can steal it, so now i am apart of your team
Victor; where's peony?
Calyrex: dead, probably

*suddenly victor's rotom phone rings*

Victor: hello there
Peony; hey chief, you okay? i had a weird dream where i kept saying big noggin then i gave you life advice to not get drunk since you're underage
Victor: ...
Victor: interesting dream
Peony: anyways you okay?
Victor: yes
Peony: mk meet up with me if you wanna go catch some totally real regis

*phone call ends*

Calyrex: he thinks they're HACKED???
Victor; probably
Calyrex: tch *picks up his own rotom phone* time to call regieleki and regidrago


eee, once again sorry about being dead for so long

idfk when the next chapter will be out and what it's about, probably the request or part 2 of celebi in a nutshell
yes i'm doing a lot of nutshell chapters lately

unless you all wanna ask for more requests? i'm more then happy to do them :)
unless they're something stupid like rule34, that shit ain't allowed here

okay the jokes are but you get the point

anyways bye

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