{REQUEST} the birb prank

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Eeeeeeee thanK YoU FOr thIS REQUEsT

Anyways, the legendary birbs do a lyric prank on the group chat that is currently titled "Rayquaza is screaming again" until tapu koko changes it

The song they shall be doing is the indigo league intro, ya know "I wanna be the very best" etc.

I was thinking about doing "legends never die" but that's an intense and kinda depressing song... e
It's also my favourite song of all time, fun fact no. 1


[Group chat: Rayquaza is screaming again]

Rayquaza: can someone just fucking
Rayquaza: change the chat title

Giratina: no lol

Rayquaza: you bi-

Articuno: hi

Giratina: wtf are you doing here

Articuno: lugia invited me lol

Moltres: me toooooooo

Rayquaza: oh no

Zygarde: at least it isn't xerneas and yveltal doing cliché shit

Rayquaza: damn ur right

Zapdos: I wanna be

Zygarde: wut

Rayquaza: what

Giratina: did you accidentally press send half way through typing or smthing

Zapdos: the very best

Moltres: like no one ever was

Rayquaza: whAT ThE fuCK

Zygarde: UM????????

Giratina: ..........

Articuno: dun dun du-dun

Zapdos: to catch them is my real test

Rayquaza: CATCH WHO?!?


Giratina: @lugia um

Moltres: to train them is my cause



Lugia: I thought we agreed to not ping me between 3pm to 6pm

Giratina: well you were wrong

Articuno: dun dun dun

Lugia: this aint dramatic articuno

Zapdos: I will travel

Lugia: to the bottom of the ocean

Rayquaza: PFFT

Zygarde: again?

Lugia: yes

Moltres: across the land

Lugia: nah fam

Giratina: they said something about catching us

Lugia: wait what

Rayquaza: replying to Zapdos > to catch them is my real test boom

Lugia: wtf

Articuno: searching far and wide

Lugia: are your messages delayed or something

Zygarde: can't lie this is kinda scaring me

Giratina: lmao what

Zapdos: dun dun du-dun

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