Celebi: Voice of the Forest in a nutshell (pt1)

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i said i was gonna watch pokémon the movie 2000 but SIKE i watched celebi: voice of the forest instead

aka pokemon: 4ever

anywayssss #celebiabuseclub let's go-


*sam walks up to the forest*

Sam: oh wow i really want to explore this forest
Lady: there's a voice in the forest that if you don't stay still can kill you
Sam: so... its a whismur using uproar?
Lady: no, whismur can't kill you
Sam: oh
Sam: exploud then?

*the lady ignored him as he walks in and starts drawing stuff*
*however in the distance, a houndoom and scyther are chasing after celebi*

Celebi: why choose the two pokemon i'm weak against
Houndoom: so you have the disadvantage, duh
Scyther: *screaming*
Houndoom: sorry he does that occasionally, anyways *flamethrower*
Celebi: AAAAA

*they have a chase down for around 5 minutes before celebi decides:*
Celebi: fuck it, the easiest way out of here is to travel 40 years into the future
Houndoom: why 40?
Celebi: because the main character is in that timeline
Houndoom: ah, i see

*so celebi does the whole forest thing and sam obviously sees it*

Sam: *gasp*
Sam: that must be the voice of the forest
*celebi runs out of the bush*
Sam: omg is that an union
Celebi: fuck you, also watch out there's a doggo and mantis on the loose
*houndoom and scyther rush out of the bush*
Sam: what the fuck
Celebi: oh dear it appears i'm weak, could you grab me before the hunter dude gets me
Sam: uh ok

*so sam grabs celebi and runs off, and not before long celebi time travels them away*

Houndoom: where the fuck did celebi go
Houndoom: she was here a minute ago
*scyther starts screaming*
Houndoom: i hate you

*and so, 40 years in the future*

Brock: smh ash will be late for the ship
Misty: should we just leave him behind
Brock: no, he's the main character. anyways crobat go find ash
*so crobat finds ash and pikachu after they just beat up a boy and his croconaw, and they rush towards the boat*

Misty: oh dear, it appears the boat is leaving without him
Brock; not like he's gonna do a life threatening jump in an attempt to reach the boat, right?
*and so ash does a life threatening jump to reach the boat*
Brock: oh what the fuck

*the four, yes four because of the random dude who saved ash's life when he missed the ship, go to the village in the middle of the forest*

Misty: this place looks like somewhere i know but i can't get my head around it
Brock: fortree city?
Ash: shut up brock, this is gen 2

*however, meanwhile*

Vicious: where the fuck is celebi
Hunter: i'm not telling you
Vicious; alright then, c'mon sneasel go release the tyranitar to burn this place down with a hyper beam
Hunter: wait what
*and so sneasel frees tyranitar, who then proceeds to burn the whole place down with a hyper beam*
Hunter: noooo!! ok ok i'll tell you where celebi is
Vicious: good *does evil laugh*

*and so, ash & co. decide to go to the forest*

Lady: hey kids be careful
Ash: why
Lady: because the voice of the forest can kill you, a boy went missing 40 years ago as part of the plot
Ash: what
Lady: nevermind

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