When they meet their other forms

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For the sake of this chapter we're gonna pretend different forms of the same pokemon is a different pokemon as a whole ok-

And no the different forms of Arceus, Genesect and Silvally aren't here those would take too long



Mewtwo meets Mega Mewtwo X and Y


Mewtwo: what the fuck is that outside my window
MegaY: *vibing*
MegaY: holy- did you just call me 'demented'?
Mewtwo: well you are, aren't you? did all your tail muscles go to your hair?
MegaY: you little shit-
MegaX: *coughs*
Mewtwo: oh no there's more of them
MegaY: listen here none-mega, I'm more powerful than Arceus so don't fuck with me

*flashbacks to discord argument to whether Mewtwo or Arceus is stronger*

Mewtwo: bitch I'm more powerful than Arceus in general so don't go flexing
MegaX: actually no you're not because even I'm not
Mewtwo: ah so a weaker version of me, I see
MegaX: you take that back right now you fu-
MegaY: actually you're just the weakest here
Mewtwo: wanna fight and see who wins?
MegaX: of course you bitch
MegaY: I'm gonna win so e

*after battle*

Mewtwo: ok you're more powerful than Arceus now don't break my 5th bone-


Lugia meets Shadow Lugia


Lugia: is that me from the future after I come out of the distortion world?
S.Lugia: oh my god it's me but I'm not dead inside
Lugia: nah mate I'm dead inside, but you look dead in and outside
S.Lugia: well I'm showing off emotions at least huh
Lugia: damn wish I could do that, but I don't wanna ruin my reputation in front of my children
S.Lugia; who, the birbs?
Lugia: mhmm
S.Lugia: pfft they don't give a fuck about my reputation
Lugia: damn that's tough
S.Lugia: ikr
Lugia; anyways it was nice meeting you dead version of me
S.Lugia: same to you not-so-dead version of me


Legendary Birds meet Galarian Birds


G.Moltres: *walks in*
Articuno: holy shit he's in a phase
Zapdos: damn wish I could have a phase
G.Moltres: it's not a phase! and wtf happened to your legs, Zapdos?
Zapdos: my legs...?
G.Moltres: yeah they used to be so chonky before and now they're twigs
Zapdos: bitch what did you say about my legs
G.Moltres: Holy shit there's two of them
G.Zapdos and Zapdos: *eye each other*
Articuno; oh god I wonder if there's an emo version of me
G.Moltres: actually there is
Articuno: does it have a big di- I mean wings
G.Articuno: I beg your pardon
Articuno: dammit
Moltres: hey guys sorry I'm late I had too-
*everyone stares*
Moltres: ...ok this is awkward


Rayquaza meets Mega Rayquaza


Rayquaza: is that... another Rayquaza?
Mega: *flying in circles because he's bored*
Rayquaza: HELLO?
Mega: wtf was th- holy shit
Rayquaza: huh, another version of me, just with weird yellow things coming off of it
Mega: wow you look like you haven't eaten in days
Rayquaza: excuse me
Mega: wtf where's your uh... yellow things? *doesn't actually know what they're called*
Rayquaza: ...are you some sort of mega evolution of me
Mega: I mean I am a mega evolution but I never thought my pre-evolved form would look like THAT-
Rayquaza; why what's wrong with me?
Mega: nothing you just looked a bit starved
Rayquaza: ok so there is something wrong then if you say I look starved

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