{REQUEST} to complete the pokedex

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To be honest with you I always spelt Gou as "Goh" so I'm gonna spell it that way, if it pisses you off then I'm terribly sorry but I'm not putting in the effort to change all of it.

Anyways! Ash will be in this chapter too because idk he can be


*Mewtwo and S.Mewtwo playing tag*

Mew: hey Mewtwo watch out there's a tree in front of you
*Mewtwo runs into the tree*
Mew: oh no, anyways *sips coff-tea*

*suddenly, two boys teleport behind her*

Mewtwo: I feel like I just ran into a tree, what happened?
Ash: woah, there's two Mewtwo?
Mewtwo: oh god not THAT boy
S.Mewtwo: wassup with him?
Mewtwo: he follows me eveerryyyywhhheeerrreee

*Goh chucks ultra ball at Mew but she breaks out*

Mew: fam my catch rate is 3, that's like catching a Beldum and we all know that's impossible
Goh: darn it I should have used the quick ball
S.Mewtwo: oh god, the dreaded quick ball
Mewtwo: I think you mean: oh god, the dreaded master ball
Ash: if you say 'oh god' one more time I swear you will summon Arceus

*Arceus watching them from heaven, munching on donut and nodding*

Goh: hey guess what
Mew: what
Goh: I caught suicune
Mew: wait what
Suicune: he did! now the franchise is pissed. as usual.
Mew: why do you even want me
Goh: to complete my pokedex, duh
S.Mewtwo: *points at Mewtwo* catch him
Mewtwo: *points at S.Mewtwo* catch her

Ash: *sad I did not catch a starter noises*
Mewtwo: hey Ash wanna punch me again
Ash: I never even punched you, but I was about to
Mewtwo: wanna try to anyways
Ash: ok

*but just as Ash runs up to Mewtwo, he slams Ash into the tree he walked in not too long ago*

Mewtwo: damn that felt good
Mew; do you want to go to the naughty corner again
S.Mewtwo: and wear a DUNCE cap
Mewtwo: okay okay I'll help him up

Goh: hmmm how do I catch you
Mew: uh, get me down to low hp?
Mewtwo: why are you telling him
Mew: just giving advice
Goh: well okay then *yeets pokeball* scIZOr uSE fAlSE sWIpE
Mew: oh shit what level
Goh: 30-something idk
Mew: jokes on you I'm level 81
Mewtwo: I'm level 69
S.Mewtwo: of course you are

*however Mew stole Regirock's flamethrower and fucking kills the Scizor before it can do anything*

Mew: sike
Goh: well you can't fight fire with fire *yeets another pokeball* CInDeRAcE USe a RAnDOM mOVe iDK
*Cinderace kicks Mew into Mewtwo*
Mewtwo: OW
Mew: OW
S.Mewtwo: awww they're bonding

*after several failed attempts, Goh catches Mew*

Goh: WOOOO how many pokeballs was that
Ash: 69
Mewtwo: haha nice
S.Mewtwo: you're not bothered that Mew was caught?
Mewtwo: nah, no more naughty corners for me
S.Mewtwo: *calls Rayquaza* hello?
Mewtwo: oH SHiT-


Sorry it's short I just wanted to upload something, plus my arm has been hurting like fuck all day, and uh yeah-

Promise I'll try put more effort into my next chapter, thanks so much for all the reads tho like wtf is that about

Anyways byeeeee

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