{REQUEST} Ah yes, school

390 6 15

aight yeah let's do this request

the following are teachers:

- arceus runs the place because he made it
- cresselia: art
- latias: maths
- latios: geography but he's not very good at it
- necrozma: history but he is also not very good at it
- rayquaza: science
- kyurem: english


*one day, in space*

arceus: kids, i have decided on something
palkia: oh no
dialga: something with donuts?
arceus: partially
arceus: anyways i'm going to open a school for everyone because no one does their homework
palkia: but you don't do homework in school
arceus: shut you do now
dialga: what does this have to do with donuts
arceus: the name of school is called "donut high"
palkia: of course it fucking is

*and so, the first day of donut high begins*

rayquaza: is the teacher's lounge a luxury spa?
arceus: no
rayquaza: can i have peace and quiet there?
arceus: no
rayquaza: fuck you

*and so, the first classes start*

*in rayquaza's science class*

rayquaza: aight listen up you little shits
reshiram: groudon and kyogre aren't here
rayquaza: oh. well then— hello dearest class.
rayquaza: guess what we're gonna learn about
zygarde: ligma
zygarde: arceus assigned me
rayquaza: NOOOO
zekrom: reshiram likes ligma
suicune: oh fuck it's just that group chat all over again
zygarde: how tf do you know you're not a member
rayquaza: right shut up and draw the earth in your class books
reshiram; why
rayquaza: you don't question the teacher

*they all draw it*

rayquaza: now i'm gonna teach you about the ozone
suicune: boring
zekrom: can we learn about magnetic poles instead
rayquaza: why, cause you're electric?
zekrom: yeah
rayquaza: the poles aren't even electric but okay fine
reshiram; do you even know how the poles work?
rayquaza: uh- they are different than the geological poles which are on a tilt but these ones are vertical
suicune: wait they're on a TILT??
rayquaza: yeah
suicune: THE EARTH'S TILTED???
rayquaza: yeah
suicune: AAAAA

rayquaza: idfk why she's screaming
rayquaza: anyways, the earth has a very strong magnetic field due to these poles
zygarde: no shit sherlock
rayquaza: shut up you can barely add 2 and 2
rayquaza: anyways, this magnetic field means that um. uh. we can. uh....
reshiram: ...navigate with a compass?
rayquaza: ...YES because they always point north
zekrom: but how do i know which way is north or south?
rayquaza: the red part points sou—
rayquaza: —north. thank you suicune, i was going to say that
suicune: fuck you

rayquaza: anyways does anyone have any questions
*zygarde puts his hand up*
rayquaza: what
zygarde: do you like ligma?
rayquaza: i swear to fu—

*in kyurem's english class*

kyurem: unfortunately the forces of nature are here with me
thundurus: ayo bitch what
kyurem: *ahem* does anyone here know the alphabet
dialga: *stands up* i am a god of time
kyurem: time uses numbers
dialga: fuck
kyurem: anyone else willing to give it a go?
moltres: i wanna try
kyurem: i'll write down the letter you get up to

moltres: a b c d e f g h i j k l m.... that's all i know
moltres: i know that! i don't know the order of them tho
kyurem: aight m is as far as we've gotten and i'm extremely disappointed in all of you
landorus: i can go further
dialga: that's what he said hahaha
kyurem: dialga, shut up, landorus, go ahead
landorus: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p r s t... that's it
kyurem: so you know 6 more letters
landorus: it's better than moltres
kyurem: jesus christ

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