{REQUEST - Part 1} How to deal with other legendaries

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k so i have a lot of requests to go through so um

these two requests are by the same person, thanks for that :), so i thought that i could do the first request this chapter and the second request in another other chapter? if that's ok?

also can i just quickly say- i have irlen syndrome, which is essentially dyslexia but for brain processes, and sometimes i'll misspell things and not notice it, or write down a completely different word
so um. i mean i appreciate if you point it out but please don't get mad ;-;

part 1- how to deal with other legendaries

Necrozma: hello my fellow third wheels, thank you for meeting me in my basement
Rayquaza: i'm not a third wheel??
Giratina: ahaha i am
Kyurem: i'm more of the thing keeping them together
Zygarde: damn giratina same
Eternatus: i was promised this as a hiding spot from regidrago so you better be right

Necrozma: ok screw you rayquaza you're in a relationship
Zygarde: because you like ligma
Rayquaza: i swear to living fuck if you start again
Giratina: rayquaza x ligma is my otp
Kyurem: you're all annoying
Eternatus: whats ligma

Necrozma: ok btw fr i invited you all down here for one thing.
Zygarde: we can watch rayquaza and his ligma
Eternatus: whats ligma??
Eternatus: ...OH MY GOD
Kyurem: jesus christ you're worse than reshiram and zekrom

Rayquaza: what even is the group chat name
Zygarde: *pulls out phone* "the council will decide your fate, necrozma"
Kyurem: ayo wtf
Necrozma: oh shit yeah we uh- don't talk about that
Necrozma: anyways my fellow- excluding rayquaza- third wheels
Eternatus: i'm not a third wheel
Zygarde: that means you like ligma
Rayquaza: you little bitch
Eternatus: ....perhaps i can be a third wheel

Necrozma: we must get rid of our fellow legendaries
Zygarde: like what, thanos snap them?
Kyurem: oh my god zygarde you're so funny i can't stop laughing
Zygarde: i know right
Necrozma: i mean cmon you must be fed up of being... the third one that no one cares about
Rayquaza: pokemon z
Giratina: delta emerald
Rayquaza: platinum remake
Giratina: ...
Giratina: *sniff*

Kyurem: okay but why are we in the basement
Necrozma: idk but i managed to kick cosmog out
Eternatus: what about cosmoem?
Necrozma: he would shatter if i kicked him out honestly
Necrozma: anyways, any plans?
Rayquaza: zygarde if you make another ligma joke i will slap you
Zygarde: you are literally the equivalent to a wyvern t-rex
Rayquaza: with my tail
Giratina: ooh kinky
Kyurem: ayo giratina wtf
Zygarde: both your and giratina's statement has made me reconsider my actions

Eternatus: can we throw them into the void
Giratina: i've been to the void
Kyurem: you live in the void
Giratina: ahem, DISTORTION WORLD, there is a difference
Zygarde: ahem, arceus' basement
Giratina: it's my basement now.
Eternatus: yeah i don't think the void plan is gonna work

Rayquaza: throw them into space
Zygarde: literally none of us breathe
Kyurem: ...i breathe
Giratina: ha imagine breathing
Rayquaza: yeah well i don't mean us and kyurem do i
Necrozma: lunala and solgaleo are literally the sun and the moon. where are the sun and the moon? IN SPACE.
Rayquaza: yeah well we could.. abandon them
Necrozma: that ain't gonna work ligma lover
Rayquaza: now listen here you little shit

Zygarde: burn them alive
Rayquaza: bro groudon is... NOT a fire type but when he's primal he is
Kyurem: reshiram is a fire type ;-;
Necrozma: ngl i forgot about that
Eternatus: solgaleo is also a fire type, right necrozma?
Necrozma: ...
Necrozma: uh
Eternatus: ....
Necrozma: ....
Eternatus: is the fucking POKEMON OF THE SUN not a GODDAMN FIRE T-

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