{REQUEST} finding the culprit

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i actually never got the notification for this, so i saw it in the comment section when reading this book because idk i think i'm funny

sooooo the previous request of ash staying over is next, so uh yeah imma do this


Arceus: i need breakfast
Shaymin: you mean donuts?
Arceus: i mean donuts

*however when arceus opens his galaxy long draw specifically for all his donuts, he find an envelope*

Arceus: tf is this, a death note?
Arceus: nvm i'm god i cant die
*he looks around*
Arceus: i think

*he opens the envelope with several of his thousands of arms and reads the letter inside*

Arceus: 'dear lord and saviour of this universe (just behind bidoof),
your donuts suck.
sincerely, ???'
Arceus: ....
Arceus: *opens a file of pokemon gold*

*arceus suddenly had an epiphany and realises that '???' does not mean the rival in johto*

Arceus: *pulls out magnifying glass* hmmmmm i need to find the culprit behind all this
Arceus: it cant be any of my kids because they would have referred to me as 'dad'...
Arceus: ...but i don't trust the mista- i mean giratina so i'm gonna ask him about it

*so he goes does and knocks on the basement door*

Arceus: son i hear guns
Arceus: are you playing minecraft
Giratina; tf minecraft doesn't have guns
Arceus: whatever now let me in
Giratina; no
Arceus: why
Giratina: it's my basement
Arceus: and it's my universe *busts down door*
Arceus: i am god i can just make a new one
Giratina; oh ok
Arceus: but i won't since you need to see the light
Giratina: *wearing shades* no

Arceus: anyways, did you write this
Giratina: i don't even know how to read
Arceus: that's a lie since you read to me your speech on why you think i should make a remake of platinum
Giratina: so can you make it?
Arceus: no

*arceus hands giratina the letter and he reads it*

Giratina: damn respect to whoever wrote this
Arceus: so you respect yourself?
Giratina: haha nice try but i didn't write it
Arceus: did any of your friends write it?
Giratina; bold of you to assume i have friends
Arceus: good point, why tf did i ask that question

Arceus: anyways goodbye mistake
Giratina; b- wait did you just call me-
Arceus; -i was gonna slam the door shut but it's not there anymore so
Arceus: *makes another door and puts it in the door frame*
Arceus: *slams door shut*
Giratina: ....ok


Arceus: hmmm who else would say my donuts suck
Arceus; wait what am i thinking, of course mewtwo would do it

*so arceus magically teleports to wherever tf mewtwo lives*

Arceus: *bangs on door* i will kick this door down like i did to the basement one if no one answers it
Mew: *opens door* are these complaints about mewtwo's behaviour?
Arceus; i'm not his teacher and hopefully never will be, anyways this
*he shows mew the letter*
Mew: where did you find it?
Arceus; in my donut drawer

*s.mewtwo comes*

S.Mewtwo: but it couldn't have been mewtwo who delivered it anyway
Arceus: why
S.Mewtwo: he's been stuck in the naughty corner for the past week
Arceus: well i do open my donut drawer minutely so that makes sense
Arceus: but it doesn't mean he didn't write it

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