19) Pillow fight

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"I've looked trough everything, there aren't any more hidden files. I don't really understand the test data's though, but it dates back to over a decade ago, including Griff's and dads case. A bunch of soldiers died back to back around that time in the army. There are seven dissection logs of them, this could mean totally different things" You explained to Max and Ash after they woke up.

"You really looked trough everything huh kid?" Commented Max going trough the logs.

"The possibility of military involvement?" Asked Ash already knowing the answer.

"You noticed too?" Asked Max which you nodded to.

"Now we're on equal footing with that Dino dude" You said finally getting up from the chair after you pulled an all nighter due to investigating Banana Fish. You finally got the answers you were searching for the past years so you weren't going to rest. All you cared about was intel on Banana Fish to avenge your family.

"No, you guys stay out of this mess. This could be a nationwide conspiracy" Said Max trying to back you away from the whole situation.

"What could be better?" Said Ash smirking as he looked towards you.

"Wake up! It's not about personal vengeance anymore" Max tried arguing against the blonde.

"What, got cold feet?"

"This isn't a joking matter, you know better"

"Yeah, i know this is way out of my league, but i have to put an end to this, for Skip and for Griff. And for me, to become free. Or else i'd never.."

"No" Said Max stil trying to win Ash over. You walked over the couch yawning as you were starting to get entertained by their bickering.

"What?" Asked the blonde now annoyed to Max.

"Why risk your life? You'll die just in vain. Can't you see? If you insist on continuing, i'll have to hold you down"

"Yeah? Try stop me then" Said the blonde getting up as he stood in front of Max.

"You said in prison that you'll kill me for abandoning Griff. Go ahead, but i'm not going down without a fight" Said Max as he stared at Ash.

"Ahum ahum" You fake coughed but both of them ignored you as they kept staring at each other. You sighed and walked between them, pulling them apart. "Max, the thing is, it is about vengeance, for me atleast. Because of this shit drug, hundreds of people have suffered enough, and i intent on ending this drama. I'm with Ash on this one, to stop me, you have to kill me" You said putting your hand on Max's shoulder. "Max, don't take this away from me." You said sternly with a hint of pain in your voice.

"Shorter is back!!" You heard Eiji scream outside the room.

"Don't tell the others about this" Said Max shooting daggers trough his eyes towards you and the blonde.

"As if we would" You and Ash said in unison. You slightly smiled at the blonde and walked closer to him. "Ash, i got your back trough out this hell hole, i don't plan on leaving you in this, if i don't die at least" You said whispering in his ear as Max stared at the both of you.

"Guys? What's going on?" Asked Eiji as he walked in, feeling the tension in the air between you three.

"It's nothing" You said as you walked over the computer and turned it off. "Ne, Eiji, want to go to the bakery with me? I'm hungry" You asked him which he said yes to with puppy eyes. You and Eiji made your way out as you left Max and Ash alone in the room to discuss more about Banana Fish.

You and Eiji were walkin on the streets of LA as a question kept lingering at the back of your mind. "Eijii"


"I've actually never asked how you met Ash. The first time i met you was in the hospital, right?"

"Hmm, yeah. I tried approaching you" Said Eiji as he scratched the back of his neck. "But you didn't want to talk to me"

"Oh yeah that. I remember now. Sorry for that" You said looking down. You sighed again and looked at the ravened hair Japenese. "You don't deserve a friend like me"

Eiji stopped walking and looked at you, then facepalmed himself. "Y/n.. You're one of the bestest and most caring people i've ever met" Said Eiji.

You looked at him, then the ground, and him again. "R-really?" You asked shocked.

"Hmm" He said as he continued walking again, you stood still on the middle of the road trying to digest what Eiji just said. "Y/n are you coming or not?" Asked Eiji, waiting for you to catch up with him. You walked over to him and were about to say something before he interupted you. "I know what you're about to say, so don't. I've seen how you care about all of us. It's the little things and the thoughts that count. You always telling us all to sleep, eat and small stuff like that is proof enough that you're a good and caring friend. And i also saw how you protected Jennifer from that bullet, that's really brave y/n"

"Eiji i-" You were left speechless by his kind words. You never expected yourself to warm up to him, and everyone around you. For anyone else, those words would be meaningless. But for you, they're beyond priceless.

"The bakery y/n!!" Screamed Eiji as he crossed the street walking towards a bakery. You smiled and followed after him, entering the bakery and buying some food.

You and Eiji made your way back to the house and the first thing you did was fall down on the couch and eat the croissant you bought as you laid down on your back grunting.

"Ugjsksuos i'm so tired" You said as you munched on the croissant.

"What did she just say?" Asked Shorter as he looked at you then at Ibe and Eiji. Eiji and Ibe Shrugged making an 'i have no clue' face.

"I said i'm tired jvkgtiv" You tried saying again while talking with your mouth full.

"Yeah i don't understand your language hun" Said Shorter throwing a pillow towards you. You sat up and gave him a 'This is not ending well' look. You grabbed the pillow he threw at you and threw it back towards him with full force. And then it became a pillow fight between the two of you. Ibe and Eiji left the living room as both of you started becoming pretty aggressive with the fight. Ash saw you both and shook his head and left you both still pillow fighting as he didn't want to get involved with the war.

"Shorter you're dying~" You threatened Shorter in a singing tone.

"Not before you" Shorter said as he threw another pillow. You grabbed it mid air and accidentally threw it at Yau Si's head when he came in the living room standing behind Shorter. You looked at Yau Si, then at Shorter and back at Yau Si.

"Oops" You said before bursting out in laughter. Yau Si stood still, complaining about you ruining his hair and threw the pillow back at you for revenge. And just like that, Yau Si became involved with the pillow fight.

You noticed some tension between Shorter and Yau Si as he started talking to you. It was like Shorter was about to stab Yau Si by the looks of it, which you found really weird, but you figured that he just kept his guard up since he's a stranger. Shorter left the living room without saying anything which you found really weird.

"Umm is he okay?" You asked to Yau Si.

"He's probably just tired" Yau Si said shrugging it off.

"Hope so, talking about being tired, i'm tired so good noon" You said before falling on the couch and letting sleep take over you. You felt a blanket get draped over your body which your presumed Yau Si did. But you didn't care since you were pretty tired and needed to catch up with some sleep.

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