28) Sing Soo-Ling

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I didn't know exactly where I was going, but I knew I needed to get to Shorter's. I walked and walked, not knowing where I was going, but I managed to recognise a landmark near Shorter's restaurant, Chang Dai. I walked my way trough Chinatown, making sure not a lot of attention would be directed at me as I kept my head low and pulled the hood of my hoodie over my head. It was slightly windy, which made me shudder, and the sun shone like any other day, peeking over everything and everyone.

I sighed and finally reached Chang Dai. I pulled the door open and the scent of Chinese food hit my nose immediately as the bells on top of the door rung to inform the server that someone had entered the restaurant. I looked around and luckily no one was around in the restaurant. I made my way to one of the tables and a young servant made his way to my table. He was short and looked fairly young. He had cropped dark blue hair and thin eyebrows, and he also looked Chinese. He wore a white men tank top, tucked in jeans, with a belt. If I were honest, I was hoping to see Nadia, but when I saw someone else, I got lost in my thoughts and accidentally stared at the young man for too long.

He looked fairly annoyed and tapped his feet on the floor crossing his arm. "Can I help you?" He asked rolling his eyes as he broke me out of my thoughts.

"Chill angry cat, is Nadia here?" I asked leaning on the table with my elbow, my head resting on my hand. The young man's eyebrow seemed to twitch when I called him 'angry cat' and in the matter of a second, he grabbed me by the hem of my hoodie and slammed me against the wall behind the table I was sitting at.

"Ar you y/n?" He asked me as I hissed in pain when my back hit the wall, roughly. I kicked the young man in the crotch, eliciting a reaction from him. I kicked his knee with mine and managed to make him fall on the ground. He let go off my hoodie and groaned in pain as I held my hand on my knee since it also hurt when I hurted the young man with it.

"Yes, I am. Care to tell me what that was for?" I asked grabbing a switchblade out of my pocket, in case he'd try to jump on me again.

"Y/n!" I heard Nadia say as she gasped looking at me and the man in front of me who groggily got up holding his knee.

"Nadia?" I asked tilting my head toward the direction of the door which lead to the kitchen. Nadia ran up to me and hugged me tightly as her head fell on the crook of my neck. I could feel her warm, unsteady breath on my neck as she held tightly on to me, eliciting a surprised reaction by Sing and me.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked as she pulled away from me. I noticed a darker shade underneath her eyes, her white, tucked in t-shirt slightly messed up and her short hair disshelved.

"I am, are you?" She asked, holding me by my shoulders.

"Yes." I said, slighlty confused as I stared at the young Chinese behind Nadia who tapped is feet in annoyance.

"Sing, go close up the restauraunt for now." Nadia said as she grabbed me by my hand and lead me to the kitchen. Sing. Isn't someone named Sing the boss of the Chinese? But he looks way too young to be the boss, it's probably someone else.

Nadia opened the door which lead to the basement and brought me to Shorter, who was now conscious but slighlty hazed.  "Y/n.." Shorter murmured. I smiled and walked over to the couch he was sitting on and sat next to him, facing Shorter.

"Hi Shorter. How are you doing?" I asked tilting my head.

"I'm so sorry, your mother.. She protected me but, but Abraham stabbed her when he found out she betrayed them." Shorter murmured as his head hung in his hand, not daring to look at me. My mouth hung slightly open as I took the news in. She died protecting him?

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