44 One truth and a lie.

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I blinked as my mind went blank. My mind was completely numb.

I blinked my eyes again "Wha... What do you mean?" I asked him because whatever he just said was too hard for me to decipher.

"Savv we don't have to talk about this right now. " Caleb said firmly 

"No! I want to know right now! What do you mean! What head crow!!?"

He sighed 

"Your father was going to pass you down the seat. He couldn't risk anyone else taking over the organization that he built so while the other crows signed the contract, your father slipped in a little clause that was overlooked by the members of the organization. So that technically makes you the next Head of the organization." 

With all this new information my mind started buzzing and suddenly I felt my heart drop and my legs finally gave out but before I could fall a pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around me and saved me from getting hurt. My vision got blurry as tears threatened to fall.

I had no energy left to stand which Caleb also understood so he sunk to the floor with me in his arms.

I was terrified, I wanted to cry, scream. I looked up at Caleb. His eyes are as calm as the sea on a good day. His eyes were sympathetic but not like he pitied me but in a way that said that he felt sad for me. Heartbroken.

He didn't question me or my feelings or my reaction to things. He just loved me, through every situation. He was the only thing I was grateful for my father to have given me.

"That's why he choose you?" I asked him "To train me?" I asked him.

"Yes, that's why he asked me to train you." He said politely, knowing that I was too fragile. He kissed me on my forehead as he just cuddled me more into his arms and I gladly accepted.

I didn't know how long I was in his arms before my phone rang, Startling us. I pulled myself a little bit away from him to pick up my phone from the couch. 

I looked at the caller Id and my heart sunk to my feet. It was Aiden. I closed my eyes, guilty. I put the call on silent and then I turned to Caleb who I guess already saw who was calling me. Reality Dawned upon us. I had kissed Caleb when I am with someone else. I was a cheater. I was the worst version of myself but everything was way more confusing now, did I cheat on Caleb with Aiden or on Aiden with Caleb?

The thought made my head spin.

My heart ached. I had no idea what to feel after that. Caleb's eye told me everything he felt. His eyes were always a window to his soul for me. I knew him inside and out.

"I am sorry," I said looking down at the floor. 

"Hey..." He said lifting my face from my chin using his finger, making me look in his eyes. "It's not your fault. None of this is your fault. I shouldn't have come back" He said getting up

"Caleb .. don't say that." I pushed myself up on my feet.

"No. No. No. You were happy before I come. You have a new life, new friends, and someone else to...... love" He said as his voice cracked making my heart shatter into small pieces.

"Don't say that" I was desperately trying to hold back tears but I couldn't. The guilt was taking control. 

"You have got a second chance, away from everything...I love you so much Princess and I wanna be selfish and keep you with me by my side forever but I can never take away your only chance of a happy ending." He said and I broke down at his words. Sobs escaped from my mouth and tears just automatically rolled down

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