21 Best friends forever

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"She did what?" Stacy screamed in the middle of our chemistry class.

A lot of pairs of eyes landed on both of us, including our lab assistant who looked mad at us for waking him from his nap.       

"Shush!!!" I widen my eyes in horror. "Keep it down!" I tell her.

"You are telling me that Madison tried to seriously hurt you while Josh held your hands behind your back? And you want me to calm down?" She gave me a pretty intense look. "I am gonna kill that bitch!" Stacy said while staring daggers at Madison's back.

"No Stace, you are doing no such thing! It's just gonna make things worse. You know Madison, she will never back down so that means I have to be the bigger person. Trust me even I want to smash her face but it's not worth it," I said and dropped my focus back to the experiment I was doing.

A few moments later Stacy spoke again. "So she just let you go?" I looked at her in confusion.

"What?" I asked.

"Madison? Did she just punch you and asked you to leave?" She asked me.

"Uh no, Aiden was there. He asked Madison to back off and scared Josh away. That was a funny one. You should have seen Josh's face and then he drove me home," I randomly blabbered as I didn't realize that I just served Stacy with a very hot gossip and information that I kinda forgot to mention.

I snapped my head towards her to see her eyes almost bulging through her sockets.

"Excuse me?" She said as she has just seen a ghost "He what?"

"Uhhhhh.....shit!" I just looked at her.

"Say that again?" She still looked pretty shell-shocked. But then she broke into a wide grin.

"Aiden saved you?" She raised her eyebrows at me and then wiggled them at me, teasingly.

I rolled my eyes at her silliness.

"Prince charming to the rescue! I likey!" She whispered. 

I just ignored her commentary and went back to work.

After class, Stacy disappeared into thin air as soon as we got out.

I did not see Stacy for another class but after class when I was keeping my books back in my locker I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Stacy.

"Where did you disappear?" I asked her.

"Turn around." She practically turned me to the other side.

"In exactly 20 seconds, you'll know where I was."

We were facing Madison who had just opened her locker and was now looking at a package she took out from her locker. She seemed surprised to see that package.

"What is happening again?" I said sarcastically as I had no clue what I was looking for or waiting for.

"Shhh, just watch," Stacy said without taking her gaze away from Madison, and before I could say anything else Madison ripped open the package and the next thing we see, is glitter flying everywhere. My hand automatically covered my mouth in shock.

Madison was now covered in glitter head to toe. I looked at her with wide eyes, almost as surprised as she or anyone else in the corridor. But only one person knew this would happen.

I slightly turned my head towards Stacy who was grinning ear to ear. She winked at me.

She did it.

She did it for me.

What did I do to deserve her? I mean she just glitter bombed Madison in front of the entire school.

I couldn't stop smiling and it wasn't for the fact that Madison got glitter-bombed. I was happy. Happy because I had someone who I could count on and who always will have my back, who would be there for me without being asked.

I had a friend.

"Thank you, Stace," I said as I hugged her.

"Of course silly. No one messes with my best friend," she said. "And next time she tries to punch you I'll be there to punch her back," she said.

"She what?" We both turned our heads to see Alex with his eyes full of concern and shock.

"Alex, hi!" I squeaked. "Where have you been?" I nervously asked him.

"Cut the crap, April!" He fumed. "Tell me what happened," he demanded.

"It's nothing....."I tried brushing the topic aside but instead, Alex turned to Stacy for answers.

"Do not lie to me, Stacy. Tell me the truth," he said.

Uh oh! I was doomed. Stacy couldn't lie to Alex. He would see right through her and she is way too intimidated by Alex. 

And I was right. Stacy blabbered everything that happened to me. While Alex just stood there and as Stacy continued the story Alex got angrier. By the end of the story, he had his fingers curled into a fist, his knuckles turning white. 

"Alex it's nothing. I am fine. I promise." Alex did not say anything. He suddenly turned around and walked away. 

Stacy and I followed him as I was scared that he was angry at me for not telling him about all this before. I would hate myself if Alex didn't talk to me. Stacy and Alex were my two best friends and I could never even imagine not having one of them around.

"Alex!" I yelled his name as all three of us cut our way through the crowd. For a second we lost Alex. 

Out of nowhere, we heard a scream, and Stacy and I both looked at each other before following the voice.

We saw Alex holding Josh by his collar.

"I will kill you if you even think about messing with April again!" Alex yelled.

Stacy and I were immediately by Alex's side trying to get him to leave Josh.

"Alex please, he is not worth it. Leave him." I pleaded but he didn't listen to me.

"Alex! Alex!" Stacy shook Alex and he snapped his head towards her. "Please, let it go," Stacy whispered.

Alex didn't move but then he slowly let go of Josh's collar.  

"Last warning Josh," he warned. Stacy took Alex's hand and they both walked away. I was behind them when Josh called out my name.

I turn around to see him a step behind me. There was a bruise forming near his eye. Alex did him real good.

I looked at him, waiting for him to say something.

"I am sorry for what I did. I can't explain to you why I did, what I did but.....but just know that I am sorry," he spoke.

"It's okay Josh. But I am not gonna apologize for what Alex did."

"No...no. You don't have to. I deserved that," he said rubbing his cheek.

I gave him a forced smile and turned around to walk away when I was stopped as someone gripped my hand from behind, taking me by surprise.

I turn to see Josh.

"I don't know anything but just be careful. Watch out," he whispered, and before I could ask him anything else he walked away. Leaving me stunned and confused.

"Where were you?" Stacy asked me as I approached them near Alex's car.

I was still a little taken aback by Josh's words but I snapped my head out of it and looked at Stacy.

"Nowhere, was just behind you guys," I said and then looked at Alex.

He was about to say something but I just leaped forward and hugged him.

"Thank you," I said.

I don't remember the last time someone stood up for me like Stacy and Alex did today.

I was glad and grateful.

Alex hugged me a little tighter.
"But you have to promise me that by chance something like this happens you will call me," he said pulling away.

"The both of us!" Stacy added.

I smiled as I looked at them.

"I will. I promise."

I stood there looking at my two best friends. They truly have got my back.

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