9 - The chaos and crazy things in my life.

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"So who is this guy?" I ask Aiden as I follow him towards I don't know where. He is walking and I am still figuring out what going on inside his head. I have tried asking him about the guy and where we were going but he was just shut. He had a stern expression.

"Who?" He said, distracted. 

"The guy who uploaded the video" I reminded him. Suddenly letting Aiden tag alone seems like a bad idea. 

"His name is Jimmy. He is a computer geek. He is the only one who could do it or he knows who did it." He filled me with the vaguest details he could ever come up with.

I hated Vague! God good!

"What do you mean by could? You are not sure?!" My hands gestures were now violent, I threw my hand in the air. 

"Relax! I know what I am doing" He said and then he stood right in front of the janitor's supply room.

I look at him in confusion, raising my eyebrow at him. "What are we doing here?" I ask him

"This is it," He said 

I scoff "Excuse me......?"  I saw him roll his eyes at me. I lifted my finger to point at him."If this is a prank Aiden I swear....." Before I could say anything else to him he turned the knob of the janitor supply room and pushed the door wide open.

I turn my head to look inside the room to find a boy sitting under the shelves with his laptop on his lap and earphones over his head. 

"Okay, I was not expecting that, " I said in shock pointing to the boy inside.

"This is Jimmy," He said. Then we both turn our heads towards Jimmy who also looked a little shocked because now he was just looking at us while half biting his sandwich. He then removes his headphones.

"You are Jimmy right?"I asked him

"Who is asking?" He said 

"I am actually, I need your help or maybe just a little favor" I took a step in as the smell of cleaning supplies hit my nostrils.

"Why do you need my help?" He said " Aren't you the girl from Josh's party"  

"Yes I am and well that's the thing,  the video you uploaded, I want you to take it down," I said at the first opportunity I got.

He looked at me for a minute  before uttering just a single word "No" and then he got back to his work

"Excuse me?" I looked at him, trying to be as polite as I could.

"You heard me," He said  "I am taking no video down, why would I? It's the most liked video I have on my page, there is no way in hell....." 

"Listen here buddy .... she is not asking you" Aiden interjected him. My head turns towards Aiden as he stands next to me 

"What if I don't?" He tried acting smug

Aiden took a step forward and now he was hovering over Jimmy in a swift motion he picked Jimmy off of the floor and pushed him against the wall " Otherwise it's my wrist and your face!" He angrily whispered on his face.

"I can't " Jimmy suddenly blurted out, scared. 

"What did I just tell you Jimmy, wasn't my warning clear to you?" He pushed Jimmy further into the wall

"I swear I cant. Someone hacked my account in the morning and I have tried everything but there is no way to get the access back. " He said and Aiden pulled back letting him go

"I don't understand. You lost the access!" I exclaim at him "How can you lose access aren't you some computer geek or something?' I looked at him, clearly frustrated

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