39. The ups and the downs

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This past week has been like a bubble where only Aiden and I exist.

We are surprisingly spending a lot of time together.

Aiden, the more I get to know him, the more I realize how easy and simple he is to be around.

I used to perceive him as a party person, who constantly needs to do something exciting and adventurous. But he is the exact opposite of what I used to think about him.

He is so peaceful to be around, he is also funny and adorable. To my surprise, he loves poetry. We can just sit in my backyard for hours, reading and we wouldn't get bored.

He loves watching movies and has a soft corner for animated films, thanks to Alice. He also cooks the most amazing pasta.

Being around him has suddenly become my favorite thing to do.
And I am not gonna lie, we have been making out a lot too and the sexual frustration between us has only been increasing.

I just wanna kiss him all the time. He is everything that has been going around in my mind. In school, during classes. And it's hard to see him and not jump in his arms.

We, well I thought that it would be better for us to not tell the whole school that we have been hanging out. It's just too much history between us, involving people from school, that I would rather like to keep out of my life.

Alex and Stacy on the other hand, already know all about it. Thanks to Alice who told Alex about our kiss and then Alex told Stacy before he even reached home after dinner.

Stacy called me as soon as she got to know about it and she was squealing with excitement, more excited than I was.

"I knew it! I knew it!" she kept screaming in my ear.

"You knew what?" I ask her.

"I knew Aiden would fall for you! I knew you were each other's destiny," she explained.


Hearing that reminded me of when Aiden asked me about destiny and fate. Does he also believe that it was destiny? He and me.

"I don't know about destiny but he is abso-fucking-lutely not falling for me!" I tell her.

"Yeah right..." she said sarcastically.

"What is that supposed to mean!?" I said pointing out her sarcasm.

"Oh honey you'll see," she said.

I just brushed her assumptions aside. I mean Aiden is not falling for me. I mean he likes me because I think it's pretty clear with everything going on between us, but love..No! I am not letting Stacy mess up my mind. I know that she means well but No... No, I am not even thinking about that.

Aiden didn't say anything when I told him that I didn't want to tell anyone about him and me. Yet. He looked kind of hesitant but he just let it go and agreed to not tell anyone about it.

I was in school, sitting in my class engrossed in my work when I suddenly hear my name but then I look up and see two to three groups sitting in front of the class and gossiping. I ignore them and get back to my work.

I felt someone staring at me. When I looked up, I see them, the group that was sitting in front of me snapping their heads away from me pretending that they were not staring at me. They all seemed to be looking at something and talking about it.

The same thing happened again which got me a little frustrated so I slammed my books shut, got up, and marched toward the group. I then lean in from behind to see what they all were looking at. They all were looking at something on a phone so I snatched the phone to see what they were looking at. It took me a second to realize that it was a photo of me and Aiden. It was taken from one of our coffee runs. Somebody took a snap of it and now apparently it was everyone's phone.

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