41. Well, that went well

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Aiden's lips were on mine before I could close the door behind me.

Capturing my lips, he pushed me against the door.

His kiss was fierce and demanding and so was mine. His hands were roaming through every inch of my body. Pushing himself further against me, he bit my lower lip making me roll my head back in pleasure.

His hands traced my arms before they landed on my behind, caressing them before squeezing them hard.

My heart was beating fast as heat pooled in my core, pulsing.

His lips left my mouth as they trailed down my jaw, leaving behind tingling sensations. He pushed my jacket off my shoulder and onto the floor.

His hands cupped my hips and he hoisted me up. I immediately wrapped my legs around his waist as his lips connected back to mine.

I felt my back hit a soft surface. Aiden had carried us to the sitting area and he was laying me on the couch before settling himself between my legs. I pushed his jacket down and then threw his T-shirt on the floor, getting them all out of the way.

My hands automatically wandered to his torso, feeling every inch of his skin.

His hands slipped under my t-shirt, still kissing me as his hands caressed my skin making me moan at his touch. Breaking our kiss he pushed himself back on his knees and then he tugged my arm, pulling me towards him making me sit up straight. My breath was heavy and quick. I licked my dry and now swollen lips.

My eyes looked straight into his. He then went on to pull my shirt over my head.

After throwing that t-shirt away he slowly leaned toward me before capturing my lips again. I slowly leaned back on my elbows before laying back against the couch.

He pushed his hard self against my core, making my muscles clench at the same spot. I lifted my hip a little to grind against him. I could feel how turned on he was.

His lips gently trailed back to my neck and then to my cleavage, leaving wet kisses. He lifted me, moving his hand to my back to open the clasp of my bra but before he could, a loud bang on the door had us snapping our attention towards it.

Aiden immediately stood up, just wearing his jeans, and I on the other hand still was processing whatever just happened between Aiden and me. Another bang followed, someone was behind that door. The bang was followed by my name which was pretty loud and clear.

"Open the damn door, Collins!" It was Stacy. "Why do you have to make me stand outside like this always?"

"April, open up." This time it was Alex who spoke. "We have booze!" He said out loud.

"And BTW I may or may not have invited Alex's whole football team to your place for a party," Stacy said.

My head snapped towards Aiden who was now looking at me too. I was half-naked and so was he. I hurried and got up to find my T-shirt before any of them could knock on my door.

Aiden and I were supposed to meet them after the match but instead, we found ourselves making out, and the next thing I knew we were in my car and now on my couch.

I burst out into a fit of giggles when I saw Aiden collecting our clothes off the floor, all flustered.

He turned to look at me in amusement with his eyes wide. "Hurry up!" his mouth moved without making any noise.

Both of us fixed ourselves before I went to open the door. Aiden went on to sit on the couch.

I opened the door to see Stacy and Alex standing on my doorsteps with the whole Football team standing behind them. I widened my eyes at her and she just stood there giving me a grin as she shrugged her shoulder. Then I saw her eyes go wider, more like in surprise, and then I felt his presence behind me.

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