40. You are mine.

60 3 11

I have been cooped up in my house, not ready to face Aiden, again. I am embarrassed and I feel stupid. I haven't talked to him since. He called me a few times but I did not pick up.
I was guilty about so many things at the moment. It was all my fault, I knew that I was the one who told him to keep us a secret. I, myself hid my feeling from him and then blamed him for not wanting me. I feel ridiculous.  

I was under my blankets and scrolling through my social media with loud music blasting on my headphones when Stacy's name popped up on the screen.

"Open the damn door !" She exclaimed from the other side before I could even say hello to her.

"Where are you?" I asked her confused

"Outside your freaking house! Now open the door!" She said. I ran downstairs to see her standing on my doorsteps, annoyed.


"I have been banging this door for 20 mins and don't even ask me about the doorbell, it's probably broken by now," She said as she brushed past me going inside.

"Sorry" I pouted as she turned towards me.

"Don't make that stupid, cute face! I am angry!" Stacy said.

I laughed "Works like a charm, every time" I grinned

Stacy rolled her eyes at me as she walked near the kitchen island and dumped a bag on top of it.

"Are you staying over?" I asked her

" No, these are my clothes so that we can get ready at your place and then go to the football match together"

"Oh no." I said "I am not going," I said making Stacy knit her brows at me.

"What do you mean?" She asked me "You know that Aiden and Alex, both of them are playing right?" She said.

" Yes I do but I am just ..... I don't think its a good idea" I said

"April? Are you still thinking about what happened at school the other day? With the pictures and everything?" She crossed her arms in front of her.

"And  also what I said to him" I completed her sentence

Stacy huffed and made her way towards the couch and patted the space, signaling me to sit down. I went and sat next to her.

"April, honey whatever you said to him is nothing you should be embarrassed about. Never be afraid to speak your heart out. If the person is meant for you, they'll understand. They always do." She said

"But what if he doesn't feel the same? What if he thinks I am an idiot?" I blabbered.

She laughed "There may be a chance that he might think that you are an idiot but there is no way in hell that he doesn't like you. April he is whipped and everyone can see that except you!"

"I don't believe you," I said

"Okay fine, why don't you get ready and come with me to find out? And if it doesn't work out you can cheer for Alex" Stacy winked at me

"Stac....." I whined

"Oh come April! You cant keep yourself shut inside forever anyways and I promise I will also buy you dinner" she said

I dramatically gasped in shock "Stacy... Are you trying to buy me?" I asked keeping a hand over my chest

"Uh... Maybe? So...?" She raised her brow at me trying to guess my answer.

"Fine, Sold!" I surrendered keeping my hands up.

"Yes! Finally!" Stacy squealed "Come on let's find you a great outfit. Let's make people Jealous of Aiden" Stacy said making me giggle at her comment

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