2- Its family business

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I leaned back on my chair and groaned. "I hate her! Who the hell in the world takes two continuous classes! " I wined

"I swear! One more second and I would have died!" I hear Stacy groans too.

We were sitting in an empty class, exhausted. I turn my head towards her

"I am hungry " I pout at her

"Me too!" She mimics me

"I think we should get up and go have our lunch before the lunch period gets over," She said

I groan again

"Oh come on," She said as she got up, and then she pulled me up too.

It's been a few weeks since I have joined this school and everything has been pretty normal it turned out that Stacy and I are now great friends. We just hit it off and now I have a friend which I thought was not possible but I am happy that it did.

Stacy truly is a remarkable person. Her kindness radiates from within, and her beauty, both inside and out, is undeniable. Plus, her constant supply of chocolate only adds to her perfection in my eyes.

Within the confines of our school, I stumbled upon the fascinating phenomenon of social groups. Picture this: at the summit of the hierarchy perches the Queen bee herself, Madison. She's practically a legend, with her aura of popularity spreading far and wide. But here's the twist—Stacy, my trusty friend and informant, warned me that Madison also holds the title of being the meanest person in the entire school. Talk about a reputation!

Now, brace yourself for the pinnacle of social exclusivity—their very own table in the cafeteria. Yes, you heard it right. These "famous" individuals have staked their claim to a designated spot that screams, "No trespassing!" to the rest of us mortals. It's like they've installed a velvet rope and hired bouncers to keep us plebeians at bay. 

I can't help but imagine the scene. There they sit, all assembled in their grandeur, laughing like they've stumbled upon the funniest joke in the universe. Meanwhile, the rest of us mere mortals scuttle about, stealing glances at their table as if it were the holy grail of high school hierarchy. It's almost comical how seriously they take their positions.

But let me let you in on a little secret—behind the glitter and the fanfare, I can't help but sense a whiff of insecurity. It's like their quest for popularity has turned them into walking caricatures of teenage angst. Ah, the irony of it all! They strut around, putting on a show, and making a sport out of poking fun at others. But deep down, it's as if they're trying to fill a void, desperately seeking validation through their mean-spirited antics.

As the cafeteria erupted with chaos, a sudden shout pierced through the commotion, alerting us to the unfolding fight between Aiden and Alex. "Guys, Aiden and Alex are fighting again!" someone exclaimed, their voice echoing through the bustling cafeteria.

Stacy, displaying an unusual level of enthusiasm, wasted no time in pulling me along. I could feel her excitement radiating off her like electricity. I couldn't fathom how someone could be so thrilled about witnessing a fight, but Stacy was undeterred.

We hurriedly made our way toward the source of the screams, the clamor growing louder with each step. Stacy's determination propelled us forward, navigating the throng of people with surprising ease. It felt as if we were caught in a whirlwind, swept along in the rush to witness the confrontation. Stacy's fervor was contagious, and I found myself being pulled into the center of the tumultuous crowd.

Finally, we managed to break through the mass of onlookers, finding ourselves positioned right at the forefront. It felt as though we were seated ringside at a WWE match, engulfed by the energy and anticipation that filled the air.

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