18. My knight

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"Leave her hand, Josh," Aiden said calmly but his eyes looked like he was ready to murder him.

"I said leave her hand, Josh!" Aiden said loudly and this time he wasn't as calm as the last time.

Josh loosened the grip on my hands and I pulled my hand away from him. I took a step away from all of them.

"What do you think you are doing Aiden?" Madison said, she now sounded pissed.

"You have lost your mind Madison. You need to back off. And I am not gonna repeat myself," Aiden gritted through his teeth. I have never seen him so angry before. He almost looked scared.

Madison tried saying something but she couldn't. She was very intimidated by Aiden, anybody would be, after the wrath showing on his face.

Madison looked at Aiden and then at me.

She didn't say anything to either of us. She just walked away in anger.

Aiden's gaze fell on Josh, who was just standing there. Aiden gave me a very hard and firm look to him before looking at me. Aiden took a few steps toward me.

"Are you okay?" He asked me politely.

I nodded.

"Come on," Aiden said as he slowly took my hand entwined his fingers with mine, and led me towards his car. I turned towards the stands to see if the man was still standing there, but he wasn't.

Aiden still had my hand locked in his, as we walked toward his car. As we reached his car, he went to open the passenger door for me but I stood there, not moving.

"Aiden, see thank you for helping me out there but I can take care of myself from here, thank you for saving my ass back there," I said.

"April, just sit in the car and I will drop your home don't worry about your car. I will come back later and pick it up for you, okay?" He said and gestured to me to get in the car.

"Aiden...." I said looking at him. "I am fine. Thank you...for what you did but I am fine. I can go home on my own."

Aiden slammed the car door close a little too loud.

"Cool. Do whatever you wanna do!" he said and stormed towards the driver's seat.

I slightly nodded and took a step back. I turned to walk towards my car. I slumped my shoulders as I walked away because somehow I felt a little tinge of disappointment. Is that insane to think that maybe I just need a little more than that? A simple, please? Maybe not but maybe yes if it involves Aiden Dawson and his untethered emotions.

I got in my car and drove away.

I was not bothered by the fact that Madison cornered me and somehow she even convinced Josh to get involved in her plan.

Next time I will just punch her out cold.

I still don't know how to react to Aiden. One minute he is nice to me and the next he just walks away without a care.

The only thought I was currently consumed in was that man standing far away from me and watching me. Everything else is the least of my worries.

I am sure I am being stalked. And if he is after me, then everything is going to be more complicated than ever before. Aiden, Madison. None of them matter. I can't be found by anyone from my previous life. The worst thing about my situation is that even if they come and stand in front of me, I will not be able to recognize them.

I can't blow my cover. I can't afford to.

With all these tabs open in my mind. Anxiety and fear crept their way into my mind like a virus.

I tried focusing on the road but my head felt heavy. I gripped my wheel tightly.

Suddenly, like a glimpse I saw myself, getting hit by a car and the next thing I see is me lying half-dead inside an upside-down destroyed car.

It felt like a memory just flashed in front of my eyes but before I could process anything I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard a loud horn.

I looked straight up to see a big truck heading toward me. I instantly turned my wheel in the opposite direction and went off the road but before I could hit the curb I pulled the car back on the road.

My heart was ready to jump out of my throat and I was shivering, so immediately, I parked my car on the side of the road.

I felt my hands shiver so I tightly held the steering wheel as I tried to calm my breath but I was taken by surprise when I heard a loud knock on my window.

I got startled. I looked up to see who It was and found Aiden scowling at me.

What the fuck is he doing here?

I rolled my window down and before I could ask him he fired me up with his questions.

"ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY!? ARE YOU TRYING TO GET YOURSELF KILLED?" He stared at me with anger but it was strange to see the concern on his face too.

So he noticed the small accident?

I realized that he was behind me when I left for home.

Aiden was still saying something but,

I was still scared and my heart was beating fast, almost making me dizzy.

I closed my eyes and took a long breath.

Aiden took my actions as a cue and he went silent before putting his hand on mine.

"Hey," I heard him whispering gently.

I lifted my eyes to look into his worried ones.

"It's okay. You are okay." He then opened my door. "Come on, I'll drop you home."

And before I could open my mouth to protest, he cut me off.

"I am not taking no for an answer."

He opened my door wide open and he then took my hands in his and tugged me out of the car.

He locked my car and kept the keys to himself. "I'll bring it back for you."

He took my hand pulled me towards his car and opened the passenger's seat door for me.

I sat in and after giving me a last look he carefully closed the door and then drove me home.

As we were sitting there, in perfect silence my mind was jumbled with his thoughts, Aiden's. I turn to look at him. I have never seen him like this before. Angry and worried.

I also never noticed the crease next to his eyes when he gets worried.

I didn't get into his car before because it just would have proven that he is my savior, my hero, or my knight in shining armor. Whatever we call it.

But the way he is here, right now, was there an hour ago, and the way he was there for me during my panic attack or when I fell,

Maybe he is my knight.

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