19 A night to remember

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At night my doorbell rang. I looked at the clock and then turned towards the door. It was pretty late at night for someone to show up at my doorstep. The bell rang again and again. Someone impatient was standing on the other side of the door and I knew exactly who it was.


He promised me to bring my car back so here he was. I opened the door to see him standing, as he tapped his foot impatiently.

"Did you get it?" I asked him.

He gave me one of his fake smiles and dangled the car keys in front of me. "It's on your driveway," and he handed my keys to me.

"My work here is done," he said. "Your car is back safely."

"I hope you didn't try to damage it for fun or revenge?" I said, giving him a funny stink eye as I teased him.

"Who said I didn't?" he mused.

My face immediately turned into a frown. "You are kidding right?" I said looking at him with wide eyes. I can not trust him with this.

"I am not," he said.

Panic grew inside me and I started walking toward my car to see if he did do something.

Behind me, I heard Aiden sarcastically scoff. I turned to look at him "What?"

"April, why do you think that I would damage your car when I am the one who is responsible to get it back, safely?" he emphasized the word 'safely'.

And he was right.

"Whatever, until and unless my car is fine I don't care," I said.

"Well I am getting late, I should go," Aiden said, looking down at his watch.

"Uhm...Where...are you going?" I asked hesitantly but my curious butt wanted to know where he was going. And that too, looking all handsome, with his hair pulled back, dressed up in a white T-shirt, a black bomber jacket, well-fitted jeans, and vans.

"Just out with friends," he said.

"Oh-Okay has fun," I said as I smiled at him. "Thank you by the way, for bringing my car back."

He nodded as he gave me a two-finger salute and then I went inside.

A few minutes later the bell rang again. I went to open the door and saw Aiden standing.

"Did you forget something?"

"Join me," he offered.

"What?" I looked at him confused.

"Why don't you join me for the party?" he asked.

"Uhmm...uh," I murmured.

I looked at him so confusingly. I had no idea how to react and what to say.

"Uhmm I don't know Aiden. I don't think that it would be...." I had no words to complete my sentence.

"That would be what?" He asked me.

"IDK?...Weird? I probably won't even know anyone there and the last thing I wanna do is be an intruder," I explained.

"I am inviting you to the party. How does that make you an intruder? Don't worry about people, you'll be fine. I promise," he assured.

"Aiden..." I tilted my head, still confused if I should go out or not.

"Do you want me to say please?" he added. "Come on grandma!" he said as he rolled his eyes sarcastically.

"Grandma? Really?" I scowled at him.

"Yes and a grumpy one too," he commented.

'You are a very mean man, Aiden Dawson."

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