23. Sneak a peek

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"Oh my God! Did you hear what happened?" Stacy exclaims.

"No, what happened?" I ask.

"Oh my God! You won't believe it. Madison asked Aiden as her date for the fundraiser" As soon as those words left Stacy's mouth suddenly I felt my heart sink.

"Good for them then," I mumbled trying to not be bothered by it.
I mean why should I care?

"Are you jealous?" She smirked at me.

I scoffed in disbelief.

"Uhm.. no"

She laughed at me " Yes you are! But don't worry that's where the plot twist happens! Aiden said no!" Stacy grinned

I turn to look at her.

What do you mean?" I ask, I was a little confused now. "He said no?"

"He said no! The whole school is talking about it! It's kind of a big deal you know that" she crossed her arms in front of her.  

"Okay, Stacy, I don't think it's that of a big deal. Why can he not say no?" I said

" Madison and Aiden! It's like their ritual. They are going to these functions together since I don't know as far as I can remember. And it's always been this way-- that the hottest guy in school goes out with the hottest girl," she says.

"Well, I think it's stupid. I mean what's the big deal about it anyway?" I say pretending as if I wasn't fluttering inside with happiness. I was happy hearing the news of him saying no to Madison. As far as he doesn't go out with her, I'm fine. 

 As Stacy and I were sitting and talking about the fundraiser and whatnot,  Aiden entered the class and instantly I look towards him, making eye contact. He smiles and I smile back.

I look back towards Stacy and she is already looking at me with a huge grin on her face and her eyebrows wiggling at me like teasing me.

I just simply rolled my eyes at her silliness.

In between the class, I looked down and then tilted it to look at Aiden in a very discreet manner but when I lifted my eyes to look at him, he was already looking at me so I immediately snap my head back.

I felt like I was caught red-handed and now my ears were heating up in embarrassment.

I tried to divert my attention by concentrating in the class but I felt a stare at the back of my head. I turn my head slightly to see that Aiden was still looking at me so. I was growing a little self-conscious now. 

I rested my elbow on the table and leaned my head on it so that I could sneak a look at Aiden without being obvious but when I looked at him, he had that grin on his face and then he wiggles his eyebrows at me, acting all smug.

I turn my head back and a shy smile made its way to my lips.

Suddenly, a piece of paper landed on my table, crumbled into a ball. I look around to figure out who threw it when my eyes landed on Aiden. Who else! He looked at me and I gave him a look, he just shrugged like he did nothing. Oh god, he is gonna be the death of me. 

I just chuckled and rolled my eyes when my eyes accidentally fell on the person sitting one seat behind him. 

It was Madison. She had a squint on her face. She was also looking at me but then she looked at Aiden, who was not staring at me anymore. Before things could go noticed I turn towards the professor and don't even try to look anywhere. 

After class, we had to go to the gym because Stacy somehow signed us both for the decoration and planning committee for a fundraiser. So I had to be there and it's not like I have to go home to someone or like someone would be waiting, so I agreed.

While decorating around, I see Aiden enter the gym. I am standing at the end corner of the room, near a pillar, putting on some balloons. I could easily notice him entering because as soon as he entered, people turned to say hi to him. How could he possibly go unnoticed?

But then, as he came to the center of the room he stood there for a moment like he was searching for someone. Then his eyes land on me and he starts walking towards me. Oh no! Is he coming towards me? Why is he coming here? Oh god! Don't let him come here. But unfortunately, he does.

"Hi!" he says to me.

"Uhmmm, hey! Whatcha doing here?" I ask him, looking around and thank God, no one was watching us.

"Just came to say hi. What are you doing here anyway?" he asks me as I was pasting balloons on the stupid pillar and it wouldn't even stick. I was trying so hard to just stick it on it but it just couldn't stay in its place.

I get more and more irritated but then Aiden takes the balloon from me and just pushes it against the pillar and guess what? It frickin' stuck! Who is he? the balloon king?

"Thanks, and BTW I was meant to ask you something," I turn to look at him.

"Why were you staring at me?" 

"If I remember it correctly you were also kind of looking at me," he says. He still has that mischievous grin on his face.

"Because you were staring at me." 

"Well, I wouldn't call it staring. I was looking, there's a difference. Staring is just so creepy."

"What do you think looking means?" I ask him.

"It is like gazing. It's better than staring and similar to admiring," he argues.

"So you were admiring me?" I ask him with a hint of surprise in my tone.

"Maybe, maybe not. Who knows?"

"No, Aiden, don't do it the next time. I swear Madison probably caught you staring at me and I don't want her to get any ideas about us, especially after what happened with you and her today." 

"I don't know why I should care about anyone and nothing happened between Madison and me. She asked me and I said no, what's the big deal?" 

"Trust me I understand but here, it is a big deal for some apparent reason."

"I don't care. Honestly, I don't wanna go with her anyways." 

I turn to look at him but do not match his eye level. I looked down. "Then who do you wanna go with?" I say softly for only him to hear.

I look up to face him when he didn't answer my question.

He didn't say anything as he looked straight into my eyes and I couldn't look away either. He takes a step back. "Meet you tonight," he says smiling at me, and just like that, he was gone.

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