15 Ridiculing act

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The next day, as I limped my way across the driveway towards the school building, I felt a lot of eyes on me. I thought that maybe they all were looking at me because of how awkward my limp was but that wasn't it.

Before I could enter the school building, I saw Stacy and Alex brisk walking toward me, and before I could say "Hi," they turned me in the other direction, back to the parking.

"Oh, careful!" I hissed.

"Oh sorry, didn't see that. What happened?" Stacy asked me but her eyes were not on me, they were looking all around the parking lot. She acted weird, worried.

I looked at Alex who looked down at me and gave me a fake smile. I could tell something was up. Everyone around me was talking and whispering in my direction and the one thing I noticed later was the fact that everyone had some sort of paper in their hand.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I noticed that they were dragging me back to my car. 

"Oh, Uhm...we were thinking that....." Stacy fumbled with her words.  "Alex, why don't you tell her what we were thinking." I turned my head to Alex who had his eyes wide like a clueless deer.

"Ohhh yeah.. we were thinking about .. taking you out!" He exclaimed at the end.

"Yeah, yeah that's exactly what we were thinking," Stacy joined him. "We can go have some coffee, do some shopping and hang out today, you know. We have no important classes. So why don't we go and have fun and not go to school today or tomorrow or for a week!" 

"Okay ... hold on," I stopped in my path and turned towards the both of them.

"What's up?" I asked them. "You guys are acting super weird right now." 

Alex nervously scoffed and laughed a little and then he looked at Stacy. " No..No we are not. We just thought that maybe we could have a fun day, just the three of us. Right, Stacy?"

"Yeah - Yeah absolute right. Fun day. You, me, and him. We could rock the city!" Stacy wowed me.

"Okay, what's going on?" I asked them with a stern face.

"Nothing," Stacy dragged.

"Stacy?" I looked straight into her eyes, "What are you hiding?"

She looked at Alex and he raised his eyebrows at her. Like they were talking about something in their language.

"Guys!?" I exclaimed.

They both looked at me and the. Stacy took a long breath before she pulled her backpack upfront and then pulled out some papers which looked exactly like the papers everyone else seems to have in their hand. Stacy hesitated to give me those papers so I snatched them from her hands.

"What is it?" I said and as I looked down at those papers my mind stopped working.

I was confused, they were xerox copies. It took me a few seconds to comprehend but then the realization hit me.

They were the xerox copies of the diary!

"Where did you get this!?" I looked at them in shock.  "Alex? Stacy?" 

"We don't know. It was scattered all across the hallway when we got here," Alex said.

"But how did they assume it's mine? I mean the diary, it's not mine." I was still shaking.  

"Wait, it's not yours?" Alex asked. 

"No ...I mean it was mine, it was with me. Someone left it on my doorsteps the other day. But it's not mine. Why would they think it's mine?!" I was a little panicked.

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