48- One last time

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I tiptoed in the corridors, cautiously.  To my relief, the school had a proper code for this type of situation and all the classrooms were locked from the inside. I was about to turn into another corridor but I pulled back myself as I saw a guard talking to someone through his microphone which was attached to his cuffs. I pinned my back to the wall as I heard his footsteps approach me. 

I stood still and quiet as he walked straight without looking in my direction. I, as lightly as I could, on my feet went behind him and snaked my hand around his neck and before he could react I, with all my strength, snapped his neck. He went still instantly and I held his body in my arms as I dragged him and plopped his body in the corner, where I was hiding.

An unknown emotion went through me as the cracking sound of his neck echoed through my ears. I have killed before but this time it is different. I haven't killed someone since I became an April. A pang of guilt flooded my mind but I had to keep going and not stop.

I have to remember that if I have to get everyone to safety then I will have to be who I was before. I am an ordinary schoolgirl. I am Savannah Bishop and nothing is going to change that.

 I pushed my feelings aside and I searched for him to find his weapon when my eyes landed on a tattoo of Albatross on his neck.  Genovese's family sigil. He is the only one who has the motive to track me down and kill me if the other Crows have not already joined him in on his mission. It was hard to tell. 

I found his gun and luckily he also had a suppressor on him. I attached it to the gun and looked around. To my shock, my eyes met with students peeping through the window in the door. I put a finger on my lip, gesturing for her to keep quiet, and asked her to hide. She nodded at me. What surprised me was the fact that she didn't look scared of me. 

I have to get these students out of here safely. 

I was three bodies down, I could feel the blood dripping from my forehead as I tried to steady my breath. Those men put up a lot of fights but they underestimated the speed and strength of a young tiny girl. when I finally reached the principal's office. Two guards were standing at the door and it was hard for me to make out how many more were around through my view. 

"Never go into the enemy zone without proper knowledge of what you will or can be facing. Always be prepared for the unexpected"

Caleb's words rang in my ears but I was running out of time. 

I was standing on the stairs. I knew I had to go in. I had no choice and no plan. There was no way I could take them all out and I knew I would be captured so I made up my mind. I checked my cartilage once more to see if it was full. 

I was a little paranoid. I knew with was no better than a suicide mission. I was still in my mid-training when I was shifted here. It was easier to take down individuals but one against 10 was hardly fair or easy. I didn't know if I would be able to get out of this trap alive but I knew in my bones that whatever I had to do, I have to get Stacy and the other students out safely. 

I had nothing to lose but these people, they have families and they have friends. I have to get them out.

My mind thought about every memory I had of this life, like a flashback of everything I held close to my heart. Susanne, Alice, Aiden, Alex, Stacy, Caleb, and everything about this stupid school. My life as April Collins flashed in front of me. I was gonna miss every bit of it.

Aiden's smirk appeared like a comfort blanket. His smile and the way he laughed made my heart melt. I was gonna miss it all but I own them their life. They accepted me for me, no questions asked so I own them this much. 

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