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It is the weekend and Suzanne has invited Me, Alex, and Stacy for dinner tonight. Aiden and Alex have been getting along nicely, not entirely but at least they were not at each others throat's now. I would call that progress.

Stacy was sitting right in front of me, next to Alex while Aiden sat on my left side with Suzanne and Alice on the head chairs.

"So kids how is school going?" Suzanne asked us all. Suzanne was very particular about her ritual of asking us about our school and anything new in our lives. She was a mother to all of us not just Aiden or Alice. She loved me and Stacy and Alex.

I love the way she and Alex have grown closer. They hate to show it but she cares about him just like she cares about Aiden and Alex adores Suzanne. She would bake his favorite cookies which Aiden hates and whenever she would bake for him and not Aiden he would always turn to me and say "This is on you" and I would just roll my eyes at him being childish. Though he never said it out of hate. Alex would tease him and he would scowl back at him. They acted like two kids.

No, they acted like Brothers. They behaved like brothers without even realizing it. Alex teases Aiden just like Alice would and sometimes Aiden would help Alex on the field just like an older brother would. They would unintentionally share food. Alex hates Olives and Aiden loved them so many times I have seen Alex passing his olives to Aiden and Aiden would just put forward his pizza slice for him to dump his olives on.

I tried not to make it obvious or react to it because I might just ruin it for them. But nothing made me happier to see this family come together.

It is not always easy though. Aiden still worries about Suzanne. It's never easy to embrace a child of your husband's ex-mistress but even if it affected Suzanne, she didn't show. She kept it all together.

"It's great actually," said Stacy "I am 100 percent graduating with no due assignments so I am relieved " She beamed us with her proud smile.

"That's great," Suzanne said "And Alex? What about you?" She looked at Alex who was about to take a bite but froze at his name. His eyes were wide, like a deer caught in a headlight.

"Ughhhh......all good... I am..." Alex fumbled and we all knew what that nervous stammer meant. Alex was a few assignments behind and he had to bribe all of us to keep that from Suzanne. He even bribed Aiden with a bag of Aiden's favorite half-burnt cookies that Alex made himself. Aiden had just whispered "Whatever" before pulling the cookie bag out of Alex's hand and walking off.

A giggle left my throat when I looked at Alex's face. Alex immediately snapped his head towards me and so did Suzanne. Alex eyes me in warring and turned my giggle into a cough so Suzanne won't suspect us but it was too late.

"What is going on?" Suzanne asked

"Nothing" Alex jumped up from his seat "Assignments are done, I passed"

Suzanne stared at him and we all knew that she knew so she bent forward and grabbed Alex's ear "You better not be failing Alex Dawson" and we all burst into a laugh looking at poor Alex

"Ouch Suzanne " Alex whined

I looked at Alice who was enjoying the scene in front of her with an innocent laugh while she sang "Alex is in trouble, Alex is in trouble" Which made us laugh more.

Suzanne gave Alex an earful and warrened him. Suzanne sure could be scary when she wants to be.

It was Aiden's turn next "I am almost caught up mom, don't worry," He said

"Is there a chance you may have bribed everyone too?" I whispered to Aiden

He looked at me and then leaned in a little towards my ear "Are you doubting me, Collins?"

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