47- Here for me

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Aiden's instincts were fast, he covered my head and both of us ducked, his hand protectively covering my head

"Shit shit shit shit" I heard Aiden say

"What is happening?" I asked him in a shaky voice. Why were there gunshots and why were people running everywhere. I didn't understand what was happening as Aiden and I were crouching down in the corridors.

"Nothing, nothing it's all fine" Aiden spoke as his grip on me got tighter. He then whispered to me "Hey" he called at me and I looked at him "We are going to get up and run towards the opposite side of school okay. I want you to run as fast as you can and do not leave my hand, okay?" His eyes were wide open in horror

"Yes, okay," I said and I looked around me. Before I knew Aiden had my hand in his and he was pulling me towards the opposite side of the building. All I could see around me was chaos. I saw children running in the classrooms and teachers trying to get them in as fast as they could. I could see their terrified faces from the small window of the classroom doors, the horror is hidden in them just like Aiden had. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. I saw a boy with his hands around his head hiding in the corner of the locker. A girl pulls her friend who seems clearly in shock.

Friend. FRIEND! The wave of realization hit me immediately.

"Stacy! Where is Stacy!" I said as my feet stop working and Aiden snapped in my direction to look at me in panic.

"What happened?" He looked at me with wide eyes

"I can't go.....Stacy... I was supposed to meet her in the class. I can't leave without her. I can't leave without Stacy" I muttered out

"Hey, hey, hey....Look at me " Aiden held my panicked and shocked face between his hands and focused my eyes on him.

"She is gonna be fine okay! Alex is with her. He will keep her safe. But right now we have to go" He said

"No. Aiden. I can't leave Sta...." and before I could complete my sentence another gunshot rattles the windows of our school. and without hesitation, Aiden pulled me and ran.

My heart was pounding in my chest. I was scared, but at this moment I wasn't scared just for me. I was scared for Stacy, she must be terrified.

I was scared for Alex. He must be scared too and I have no idea where he could be. Every second I prayed from him to be with Stacy. God please let him be with Stacy and please! Please God let them be safe.

And then I looked at the boy who is running with his hands clenched around mine. I was scared but with him, I knew it in my bones, he would never let anything happen to me and I knew he must be terrified. I was scared for everyone, the teachers and the students, the janitor.

Aiden pulled me faster as we turned to another corridor, my feet slipped a bit and suddenly I was being pulled into a small closet at the end of the hall where some files were kept. Aiden closed the door behind us.

My heart was beating so fast it could be heard from a mile away, as soon as Aiden locked the door he immediately hugged me and held me to him as tightly as he could. We could hear our breathing echo in the small room.

"Are you alright?' Aiden asked me as he held my face into his palm and his eyes bore into mine. He looked so shaken and so scared. He held on to me as he would never let me go.

"Yes. Yes I am fine" I uttered

He hugged me again. "we are gonna be fine" His tone was reassuring but I knew inside he was as scared as I or any other person was in this school.

"Stacy and Alex.." My heart constricted as a shudder passed through me. Please god, let them be alright. "Do you think they are alright?" I asked him

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