38. Prince charming

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Later, Suzanne told us that dinner was ready. I went into the dining room with Alex, to see Aiden missing.

I looked around but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Alex, I'll be back in a minute," I told him and made my way upstairs.

I stood in front of Aiden's bedroom door. I knocked gently.

"Aiden," I called his name before opening the door and peeping inside.

I see him sitting on his desk, looking down at a photo he had in his hand.

I stepped inside. He felt my presence as his head snapped towards me.

"What are you doing here?" I kept my hand on his shoulder and asked him politely.

"Nothing," he said as he kept the picture down and turned his head towards me.

His face had a worried expression pasted on.

"Hey...What's up?" The frown on his face was very visible.

"Nothing... I am fine," he said and looked away.

"Aiden... hey I know it's nothing. Tell me...What's up?" I kneeled in front of him as I cup his cheek.

He took a large breath before he looked up at me. His beautiful sparkling was now not only looked worried but were filled with fear.

"I just ...." he paused for a bit before speaking again. "I am just really worried for my mom. I can't see her hurt again," he said.

"Hey." I forced his head to look at me.
"I know, and trust me I also want the same, even Alex. We all want the same thing. You have nothing to be worried about, Aiden," I said softly caressing his cheek with my thumb.

"No, No, you don't understand," Aiden said before pushing himself to his feet. He walked across from me as he now stood in the center of his room.

"No, you don't understand. I don't trust Alex and even if I did, who can guarantee that my father would not use Alex to get close to my mom or Alice? This is a great opportunity for him to just walk into our lives again and walk over everything my mom has built for herself and us," he blurted out.

I stood up "Aiden you are overthinking. You need to calm down." I walked toward him.

"And I am not saying that your concerns are not justified, they are, but right now the only thing that matters is Alex and Suzanne and their feelings. Let's take one situation at a time, okay?" I said as I took his hand into mine.

"How do you make everything sound so easy and sorted?" he asked softly. 

He took a deep breath and then looked straight at me, a small smile appeared on his face. He nodded as he took my hand near his lips and gently placed a kiss on my wrist. His eyes landed on the bracelet I was wearing, it was the same bracelet that Aiden bought for Alice to give me.

A small smile played on my lips. 

"Do you believe in fate? Destiny?" he asked me. 

I look up at him "I do. I believe we will end up exactly where we are supposed to be, with exactly whom we are supposed to be with." I look up at him, staring into his eyes. 

His eyes went soft and then I felt him lean in. Capturing my lips he held me close. My hands traced their way to his hair. I tugged on them gently as he kissed me deeply. My heart was bursting with happiness. It felt like warm bubbles bursting inside of me. 

Breaking the kiss, he rested his forehead on mine as I looped my hands around his neck. He then kissed my forehead. 

"What about you?" I ask him.

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