26. Fundraiser

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The color of the dress is in Champagne color and the style is the same as that given in the picture.


Aiden didn't leave my mind. The thought of what happened and what could have happened made my stomach twist into knots. I took a deep breath before checking myself for the last time in the mirror.

I was wearing a very simple but elegant, champagne color silk slip dress with a cowl neck and I liked it. I got a text from Stacy, saying that she and Alex will be reaching school in another fifteen minutes. I didn't wanna be late so I took everything that I needed and headed outside.

I was looking at my car and I was about to sit in when something felt wrong. I got out of the car and I realized that my front tire was punctured!

How the fuck did this happen!? It was alright till last night!

I sighed in frustration. I was about to call Stacy when I heard the main door of Aiden's house close shut.

Seems like God has already made his plans to purposely push me into the hands of the devil.

And I saw Aiden making his way out of his house. My eyes traveled all over him, checking him out. He was wearing a light blue shirt with deepest blue formal pants. His hair pushed back and his shirt clinging to him perfectly. I mentally sighed at the man in front of me. 

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize  Aiden has come to a halt as he saw me. I was still drooling at him when my eyes met his. I snapped out of my thoughts and I immediately turned to the other side but I was too late.

"April?" he called out my name. I took a deep breath and with a tight smile, I turn around to look at him.

"Oh, Aiden? Hi, I didn't see you there." Lying to his face.

He made his way toward me and stood on the opposite side of my car.

"Is everything all right?" He asked me 

Yeah, kind of. I mean no" He looked at me confused. I released a long breath before pointing toward my tire. "This happened" I huffed

Aiden was inspecting the tire when my eyes fell on something moving. I snapped my neck towards Aiden's house window and my eyes fell on a small figure standing inside, peering at us.

"Maybe I know who did it," I said and Aiden looked at me before following my eye line

"Alice," We both said at the same time. Aiden shook his head in amusement as he let out a laugh as sighed.

We made our way toward the house. I rang the doorbell when someone opened the door and there she was, holding on to her bear, grinning ear to ear.

"Alice, how many times have I told you to never open a door unless you are with me or mom" Aiden scowls at her.

"Andy, I knew it was you, silly," she says giggling, and then she looked at me and then spoke after a pregnant pause.

"Wow, April! You look like a beautiful princess," she said. "Doesn't she, Andy?" Alice turn's towards Aiden and he turns towards me.

His eyes looked at me "Yes, she does" A smirk crawled on Aiden's lips before looking back at Alice giving her a smile

Suddenly my cheeks felt hot and my stomach somersaulted Aiden's words.

"Oh April, is that you?" I heard Suzanne as she come in to view.

"Hi, Suzanne." I greet her 

"Oh my god! Don't you look pretty!" she said and then she turned to Aiden 

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