17 Karma is a bitch

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"Why don't you just go talk to him already," I said as I made my way to Stacy on the bleachers.

"What are you talking about?" Stacy snapped her head towards me.

"Oh come on! By the look on your face, you have already stripped him naked. Why not do it already? For real!" I exclaimed.

"Who? What are you talking about, April?" Stacy mumbled as she nervously laughed.

"Oh, my poor, poor friend...Alex! Some chick is eyeing him like a wild tiger, ready to devour him!" I say in a mocking tone, sighing in Alex's direction.

"Hey! Not funny." She smacked me on my arm.

"Ouch! Dude, I am serious. Tell him how you feel before you get seriously friend-zoned."

"Only if it were that easy!" she said as I handed her the snacks that she ordered. We are currently sitting on the bleachers in the field, where the football team is practicing, half-naked and nobody is half as excited as Stacy.

Well, it's not her fault, the Dawson brothers are, hands down, the most handsome men in our school. They have quite a large fan following here. Girls from other schools occasionally sneak in just to look at them. And today, I know exactly what they feel like. The only reason why I am not complaining.

"If you stare any harder, he is gonna break, Stac."

"Oh come on, don't pretend that you are sitting here with me just to accompany me." She wiggled her eyebrows. "I know everything that goes on in that pretty little head of yours, April Collins. You are here for the other brother aren't you?"

I scoffed "Uh no.." I choked.

"I have nooo.... idea what ....what you are talking about." As I fake coughed.

"Uhm, look at you all blushing!"

Now it was her who was mocking me.

This is my karma coming back to bite me in the ass.

"You know something happened....between Aiden and me." And before I could finish my sentence she snapped her head towards me.

"What?" She asked looking straight into my eyes.

"Wow...You are so scary..." I said.

"Just cut the crap and tell me?" she said, in urgency.

"Okay...fine. So last night, we were sitting in my garden and we kinda fell asleep and when we woke up, he changed, like I don't know how to explain this but he was this calm, carefree and fun guy last night and suddenly he was just cold and distant," I explain.

Stacy was silently listening to me but as I finished she suddenly screamed, in excitement. I immediately covered her mouth with my hands. But it was too late, everyone was staring at us. My eyes landed on Aiden who was also looking at us briefly before looking away.

"What are you doing? Shush!" I widen my eyes at her.

She removes my hands from her mouth. "Are you kidding me? You spent a night in Aiden's arms and you expect me to not freak out! Not possible!" she half yelled.

"Stacy! Shush! Keep it down." I was suddenly so embarrassed and red.

"Oops sorry," she muttered. "Why didn't you climb him already!"

"Oh my God! Stace!" I buried my head in my hand as Stacy laughed at me.

"Okay, okay I am sorry! Talk to me. Come on, tell me," she perked up.

"You promise to keep it down?" I asked.


"Okay good! so.." I told her everything that happened.

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