Chapter 37

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AN: Song for chapter- Autumn. Paolo Nutini.

Sunday. Late morning. Oak Hill Park.

"A massive bitch? Subtle, Rosie."

"Tom, come on. I could've called her a lot worse."

"I suppose, you are merciless when in a bad way with someone. Therefore I know Bridget wouldn't be the exception." Tom said, Merlin and Mowzee's leashes in his hand with the two of them a few paces ahead of us as we walked.

"I'm more like my dad than I care to imagine sometimes." I said looking over at him, the light drizzle coating us along the rich grasses.

"Oh dear, you can't blame Mike this time. You'd claim your sarcasm was from him too young lady." He casually added; I shook my head momentarily thinking about it.

"Nope, I'm an arsehole and I know it. I do my best." I said with a curtsey, a light laugh escaping both of us.

"Well you're rather lovely for an arsehole then. I've worked with and met quite a few pieces of work in my time darling. You've got a long way to go before you actually become unlikable."

"Thomas! You dare speak ill of your societal counterparts?! You never say a bad thing about anyone!" I gasped with a hand on my heart and everything.

He wasn't impressed.

"I'm only human. You can't always say great things about frankly dreadful people."

"True, anyway. The thing." I uttered, Merlin and Mowzee stopped to let us catch up, their fur slightly dampened.

"Yes, the thing. Have you told Ben yet?" he asked, shoving his free hand in his jacket pocket, my free arm looped through his.

"No. I was going to tell him tonight when I see him."

"I can already see him saying no Rosie; tonight isn't the best time in all honesty. He and Jules are never going to be friends. I know you want them to be but you need to be honest with yourself. So much time has passed and Ben's feelings have never changed. You know what he's like; he doesn't change his mind very often if at all with people. He's more stubborn than you at the best of times Rosie."

"But, I can't turn on him. But I don't want to upset Ben." I said, the cold morning air whipping a few loose hairs in my face.

"What do you think is right?"

"I think it is right that I stand by them both. However Ben is more important, he's always going to be more important." I sighed, my hands in my pockets now.

"I understand as true as it is that you love them both-." Tom almost said.

"In very different ways nonetheless." I quickly added.

"Of course." He calmly said as we caught up to Merlin, his soft nose exploring the grass under him, Mowzee now at Tom's side again whilst I thought to myself.




"Could you just humour me for a moment?"

"You don't sound like you're joking."

"This is just a thought, only a split second thought but you seem to have a good eye for things." I said looking over at him.

"I understand, what's on your mind?"

"Do you think Bridget is jealous?" I asked, smoothing my jacket over my torso a few times.

"Of what?"

"Of me and Ben" I said, my fingertips pressing into the quilted fabric keeping me dry.

Officially Cumberbatched? A sequel to 'Well and truly Cumberbatched'Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora