Chapter 39

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AN: Song for chapter: 'Rainy Zurch'- The Fray.  / 'Set fire to the rain'- Adele. 

Friday morning. Silence is golden.

To some. 



“Are you awake?”

“Barely, why?”



“I don’t know.”



“It’s four in the fucking morning! Just what is so important?!” I groaned into my pillow.


“Go away then, I’m going back to sleep.”

“Without a sleeping pill?”


“You didn’t take one and yet you’ve been soundly asleep.” He mumbled, the faintest, most tired smile making its way across my face. 

“So you decide to wake me up? Thanks.” I mumbled into the ‘Laura Ashely’ pillowcase, its softness easing my annoyance funnily enough.

“Moody thing aren’t you?”



“Please let me sleep!”

“You’re hogging the duvet.”

“We’re in a king-sized bed there’s enough duvet to go around.”

“It’s all around you.”

“Are you saying I’m so big I take up the whole duvet?”

“Don’t play that card.”

“Then let me sleep.”

“But then I can’t sleep.” He moaned, my own sleep eluding me.

“Ben why are you being a baby?” I asked rolling over, blinking into the darkness of his, correction- our room.

“I'm not; I’m both 36 years old and more than capable of taking care of myself remember?”

“You are all of those things but mainly annoying right now.” I said lazily rolling over some more, pulling his arm over me before tucking myself into him.

Silence finally falls, rare with a Cumberbatch in the room.

“Happy now?” I asked, moments later.

“I’ve been happy all the while.”

“Ben! You’re such an arse!”

“Me? Perish the thought my love.”

“I'm not leaving this bed for at least 6 hours and you're making me hot chocolate and you're giving Merlin his bath.”

“You know I love your demanding side, are you trying to keep me awake? Fancy a little lurve making, mm?” he teased, my chuckle inevitable despite trying to stifle it.

“Ben, I’ll be the demanding little madam you want, lurve making included because I’m certainly not turning that down but preferably when I’m actually awake!”

Officially Cumberbatched? A sequel to 'Well and truly Cumberbatched'Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora